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Our story opens in year 1975 Aberdeen, Washington.
Kurt used to draw quite a lot in class. He spent more time drawing than learning. Infact, 9-year-old Kurt had horrible grades. which could have reflected off of his parents. Because of the stress they put on Kurt Cobain.

Kurt's mother and father didn't have a very healthy relationship. Their relationship was as uncomfortable as Kurt's strange stomach disorder. And believe it or not, Kurt was happy. Until the divorce happened. Kurt was torn between two homes. And he eventually ended up staying with his grandparents.

He hated his parents forever when they got divorced. Infact; that divorce has been bothering him his whole life. But he didn't mind his grandparents. His grandparents are the ones that actually shed some light on music for Kurt. He used to listen to country. And in his teens. He began to like Rock.

Eventually, he started living with his uncle and aunt. They cared for Kurt quite a bit. And are the ones that gave him his first musical instrument.- on his 14th birthday, He got a guitar. And from that day forward. Kurt's life was completely different.

He used to carry his guitar around with him to school. And on the bus he would say "don't ask me to play it. It's broken." and his uncle knew he would be a rockstar one day. What he didn't know; is that Kurt created a whole new genre.. Grunge.

Kurt found his new best friend. His guitar. He was happy for the longest time. and all he did was play that guitar. He played it 24/7. Writing songs; thinking of tunes in his head. And singing.

Years go by, and Kurt drops out of school. Picking music over education. he got into drugs and alcohol at this time. but he was still happy.

He would jam day and night with his friends Dave grohl, and Krist N. and eventually, the band "Fecal Matter" was formed. They weren't as popular at this time. But they did do small concerts. and eventually.. They grew.

The story of Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now