Bad Boy And The Nerd

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Alright, so I think that all of us get a guilty pleasure from these stories. Or maybe it's just me. But these stories are no exception to the stereotype rule.. On to the ten!

1. The girl is like the poster girl to the 1D song "What Makes You Beautiful". Thinks she's ugly, yet is so unconventionally beautiful. Not to mention the fact that nobody notices this pre - bad boy, yet afterwards.. Well.

2. They both come up with hilarious and sharp comebacks on the spot. I'm sorry, but if the most popular guy in my year started talking to me I'd freeze like yer one in Rango..

3. The girl's family is poor, yet she wears, like, silk lingerie. Jeez.

4. Every bad boy has a motorcycle. It's like their signature as a troublemaker.

5. The teachers don't seem to give a crap if students skip school. Please, let me enroll in said school.. Please..

6. The guy, even though he never attends school, or does his homework, maintains a 4.0 GPA. I have like no life, and my GPA isn't that good. He must be superman. (I might not have a GPA in my school, but that's beside the point..)

7. Sparks fly, butterflies twitter around, and knees go weak. I actually haven't felt any of these, but, I mean, what do I know? Maybe I'm just a sociopath.

8. The bad boy bullies the girl, like serious physical abuse. No teachers notice this, but don't worry, they're just too busy ignoring all of the school being skipped.

9. The guy has slept with every girl in the school apart from our girl. Every single one. I see. Because no other girl apart from the heroine has enough will power to last past 2 days without putting out.. That's not insulting to girls everywhere anyway.

10. Ohhh, the Queen Bitch. The head cheerleader is automatically anorexic, sadistic, and lots of other 'ic' words, not to mention uber popular and a complete slut. It's like that uniform (which, by the way, she wears all the time) is a mind controller. That's likely.

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