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"Pass me the basil," I asked of my best and only friend, Sage, a mouse that stood by my side at all times. He willingly complied, bringing me the herb used to heal physical wounds.

I attempted to use potion making as a distraction from my thoughts of self doubt. It was an unsuccessful attempt as crushing the contents of the bowl in front of me didn't require my full attention.

My mind replayed my failed attempts at sewing, cooking, combat, magic, and every other profession I attempted apprentice work in.

Magic always takes a lot of energy for a faerie to execute it properly. It's the reason we don't fly too much or become the size of an elf or human very often. It's exhausting. But for me it takes even more energy. I'm not gifted enough with magic to use it properly or for a long period of time.

Trying to push away the thought of all my failed endeavors I focused on the potion at hand. Of course I hadn't noticed that I'd added too much basil. The potion immediately turned from its vibrant blue to a sludgy brown, telling me it had been ruined.

After spending an unnecessary amount of time on the potion meant to accelerate the healing process, I disposed of my crushed dreams, and sighed. Fortune never seemed to be in my favor, no matter what I did. Sage nudged my leg, his way of demanding attention and comforting me.
"What is it boy?"
A knock sounded at my door.

Quickly, I made my way to it, ready to welcome any visitor that brought distraction with them.

The faerie stood in front of me was a mail courier, dressed in their customary uniform. Judging by his appearance, he was roughly the same age as me.

"Nissa?" The courier asked in a sheepish manner. He was obviously young and inexperienced in his field; the senior in his profession wouldn't be shaking before an ordinary faerie like me.

I gave a small nod to assure him he had made it to the correct dwelling.
"I have brought," he said reaching into his bag and pulling out a slip of tan colored paper,"a message from Orion the Far-seer."

After thanking the courier, I scanned the letter from the faerie that oversaw every ceremony in the kingdom.

In summary, the letter invited me to start apprentice work with Orion after attending the Leaf-fall festival that would take place later this evening "if it so pleased me."

The Leaf-Fall festival took place every year on 25th day of autumn to celebrate the falling of  leaves. It's a celebration of the cycle of life, the passage of time, and late acknowledgement of the change in season.

There are hundreds of ceremonies, parades, and celebrations in the kingdom of faeries, each one treated as if it were the only one. Many of these celebrations required an invitation or high social status to attend, neither of which I have ever had.

It wasn't clear why Orion had invited me to be his apprentice. I assumed he had noticed the way I displayed no shame in trying every profession possible.

In the hours before the festival I searched my small home for my finest clothing, wanting to make the best impression I could.
I decided on a dress my Aunt Calypso had worn and passed onto me. The thought of her laughing and dancing in it, the white blonde hair we shared swirling all around her, came to mind.

I picked up the matching necklace, this one coming from my mother, remembering when she had given it to me.

A younger me sat on her bed as her parents told her stories of the Fatum. They said they were rare magical spirits that appeared in times of importance to lead a faerie to their destiny.
"Will they hurt me?" A six year old me asked.

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