True Train Compartment Companions

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That seemed to set him off. His face turned redder than his hair and his hands balled into to fist.

The muggle born, Harry had yet to learn his name, looked terrified. Getting up she hurried out the door.

“ARE YOU CALLING MY FAMILY LIARS?!” the boy screamed, face becoming even redder. Memories tried to fight their way to the forefront of his mind. Memories from a darker time in his life,  a time when-.

No, he pushed the memories back to the very back of his mind with practiced ease. A technique Remus had taught him, another reason he was grateful for the werewolf.

“No, but they may only have one viewpo-" Harry tried to calm the other boy, but he was cut off as the only other person in the compartment, swung at him.

With his instincts, ingrained into him by a life of moving from place to place, away from blinded by their hatred for werewolves, he ducked under the punch.

However, he was not expecting the elbow that him him in the stomach. He doubled over as his breath left him.

Without a thought the smaller boy put his arm up to protect himself.

Ron aimed to hit him once again, but he froze an inch from hitting the other boy.  What was he doing again?

Without a word the redhead turned and walked out. With the thought of giving his brothers a piece of his mind, he was in Hogwarts now. They should stop pranking him

“You obliviated him, good job,” came a smooth voice behind him.

Harry turned to see a second or third year standing by the door. Dark brown hair that came to his shoulders. Darker eyes stared at Harry, who was still in a defense position.

“I-I,” Harry barely got out, “I what?”

“Need I say it again? You obliviated him,” The elder said in a bored tone of voice, as if being here was  bothersome.

“I-” the blackett tried but was cut if for what seemed like the hundredth time.

“Next time be careful,” he paused taking a few steps to Harry, when he was a foot away he said, “or the next person might not forget it happened,”

The older boy walked past him to look for the red head. When the door closed, Harry released the breath he had no idea he was holding.

The thinly veiled warning, or maybe a threat, had shaken him. With slight hesitancy he patted his bag. The wolf came to life on the buckle, awakened by his loose magic.

“Hey buddy,” Harry said with a small smile, “I need my ring,”

The wolf gave a small whine, but complied, the ornament popped open to reveal a small space inside. A dark silver ring with a small stone welded into it sat innocently inside.

With a sigh he petted the wolf and placed the ring on his finger.

You never noticed the abundance of magic around you till it suddenly, wasn't there. The ring cost almost a small fortune. Made to keep someone's magic under control, or that's what his father had said.

The wolf went back to its unanimated state. Calming his nerves he continued on.

About three cars away he ran into an interesting pair. A girl who could possibly become lost in her wild brown hair. She opened her mouth to say something, and reveal large front teeth. Harry could have thought her cute if it hadn't been for the look in her eyes and what she said.

“Have you seen a frog, Neville here,” she pointed to a boy, “lost his and I'm helping him find it,”

Harry almost did a double take, how could she sound so mean and bossy about choosing to help someone. The way she belittled the boy, like it was nothing.

Harry Potter, The Bronze BoyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum