Chapter 7

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The harsh climate change of Tatooine was a big shock to the young Luke. Carefully standing on the ship's rail, he scrutinized the endless sand in front of him. The scorching hot suns of the desert planet were an amazing yet terrible sight, for yes, there was not one but two suns.
Padmé was already on the hot sand, a cloak around her. She swung a smaller one over her son, making sure that he was probably protected.
She had made sure to land away from the town, near where Anakin's step-brother and his wife lived and they could already see the small globes that formed the house from a distance, mirage-like.
The house was still the same and Padmé felt her heart strain at the pain of past memories. She could see herself and the young Jedi padawan standing close to each other and hugging in the boy's sadness.

Luke could sense his mother drowning in melancholy and wondered what memories she could hold from this place.

Pushing her melancholy away, Padmé took her son's hand in hers and started walking towards the house.
As they approached, a man came out of the house and made his way towards where the two figures were walking. As he approached the two, he squinted his eyes at the young woman, knowing her face but not quite believing who she was.
"Owen Lars? I'm Padmé Naberrie. Do you remember me?"
The man hesitated for a moment before finally answering, "Yes, you were the one who came with Anakin, aren't you?"
Padmé nodded to him in response. She smiled at him. "It's been a while. I'm sorry to disturb you, but I'd like to have a word with you and your wife."
The man smiled at her. He was naturally good, and Luke could feel it.
"Of course. Let's go inside."
And so, the man led the two into the house.

The house was cosy, and Luke immediately liked the bubble-like rooms. Beru came in to greet the mother and son.
"Here, son. You must be thirsty." She handed Luke a glass of what seemed like hot, pastel blue milk. Luke sniffed at the liquid before cautiously bringing some to his lips. His eyes grew wide: it tasted good! He drank the whole glass and the woman smiled at him.

While Luke was playing around with droid parts with Owen, the two women were talking to each other.
Beru looked over at the young boy with a warm look in her eyes. "I would have loved to have a son..." she smiled sadly at Padmé.
"We had a little girl but she died as a baby. We never got the courage to have another know how it is on Tatooine."
"I'm sorry, that must have been terrible for you to live through." Padmé told her.
Beru shook her head at her, "It's alright. It was a long time ago."
"Is he your only child?" She asked her.
Padmé thought for a moment before answering "Yes."
She felt bad to lie to these honest people, but she couldn't reveal anything about Leia. There had already been enough clumsy mistakes as they were, and the less trails she would leave, the better.
"He's very cute and he looks smart." Beru hesitated for a moment before finally asking: "Is he-...?"
Padmé cut her before she could finish her sentence.
"Yes. He is."
The woman sighed. "I thought so. I was wondering why else you would come to us. He does remind me of him. Anakin. He does have the same hair and eyes."
Padmé looked over to her son, pensive.
"So, why did you come here?" she finally asked. "This isn't really the type of planet anyone would really want to drop by on."
"Yes, I have a question for you. I'm actually looking for someone." Padmé answered.
"Oh. I'm not sure if we could help with that but go ahead."
"I'm looking for a man in his forties, blonde with a beard? His name is Obi-Wan Kenobi."
Beru thought for a moment. "I don't know of anyone with the name Obi-Wan, but we do know a middle-aged man that fits your description. He goes by the name Ben."
"Yes. He's been here a couple of years now, though he really appeared out of nowhere. He's a nice man but lives all alone like a hermit."
The woman called for her husband to come over and told him what was happening.
"If you want to find him," Owen said, "he should be further east, near the canyons. I wouldn't recommend you going alone. Especially with a child, it's dangerous. The Tuskens are especially violent these days."
"Thank you but you don't have to worry about me." Padmé assured the couple. "Actually, I would like to leave Luke in your care. Just until I find the man I'm looking for."
Luke, having stopped playing, had listened to the conversation. He sat up and ran to Padmé.
"You're going without me?"
Padmé smiled tenderly down at her son. "Just for half a day. I promise I won't be any longer."
"Where are you going?" he asked.
Padmé hesitated. If something happened to her, she didn't want him to get involved.
"To see the family friend I talked to you about."
"Am I not going to see him?"
"Of course you are. That's why I came here. I'll bring him to you. You just have to stay here with your Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru."
"Uncle and Aunt?" Luke repeated, looking at the two with surprise.
"Yes, they're family. That's why I can trust you in their care."
"Don't worry, we'll take care of him. It gets lonely without anyone around." Beru said with a reassuring smile.
"Thank you again. I'll be back quickly." Padmé kissed Luke on the head and went back out towards the ship, leaving the little boy, the couple and the house behind.

Once on the ship, Padmé changed into her combat outfit. She had kept it all these years. She put it on and looked into a mirror. It still fit her, but seeing herself in the clothes was strange. It had been more than a decade since she had worn it. The clothes brought so many old memories, memories of the times when Anakin was still a padawan, memories of the time when she had thought she would die in that arena on Geonosis and when she had told Anakin she loved him. That kiss they shared had been the beginning of the end.
The white of the outfit had turned into a cream color, and the 3 scratches she had gotten from the beast back in the arena were stitched back up, leaving 3 marks slightly visible on her back. Seeing herself in the outfit now brought a feeling of adrenaline that she hadn't felt in a while. It was time for her to get back into action. She was ready for this.

The young woman took a blaster that was stowed in the ship and equipped it on the side of her outfit. She tied her hair up in a braid that she rolled up in a bun. Having children and living hidden for so long had made her forget who she had been. Now that she was alone and on the move, she felt more alive than ever. She had missed this.
Padmé climbed out of the ship protected by a sand colored cloak and a protective headpiece with goggles on it. She hopped onto the speeder the Lars's had lent her. More than ever, she was determined to find one of the last Jedi and to have her son trained in the ways of the force. Things were going to return to the way it was before and light was going to win against darkness. She was going to make sure of that.

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