Star Wars You're Welcome

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Hey everyone! Pretty much everyone knows the song You're Welcome from Moana. As you guys probably know, I'm a Christian so I don't want to sing a song about another god. Fortunately, I was YouTubing Star Wars stuff one day and I came across this version of it that's You're Welcome but from Luke and about Star Wars. The tune and music and everything fits the original song. I only ever listen and sing this version and YES I've actually managed to sing along to Moana and sing this version with Maui. LOL.

If you love Star Wars, I'm sure you'll like this. The video to the song is above or I've also got the lyrics down below:

Luke Skywalker]
So what I believe you were trying to say is "Thank you."
Thank you?!
[Luke Skywalker]
You're welcome!
What? No, no, no. I didn't- What??

[Luke Skywalker]
Okay, okay, okay
I feel what's happening here
You're face to face with greatness and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel
It's adorable!
Well it's nice to see Padawans never change

Trust in the Force
Let's begin
Yes it's really me, Skywalker
Breathe it in!
I know it's a lot
the hand, the sight
When you're staring at a Jedi Knight

What can I say except
You're welcome
For that Death Star I blew from the sky
Hey, it's okay, it's okay, you're welcome
I'm just an ordinary Jedi

What has two thumbs and stopped the Dark Side
When you were waddling yay high
This guy!
When Solo froze cold

Who stopped the Rancor down below?

You're looking at him, yo!

Also I met Obi-Wan
Plus turns out I'm Darth Vader's son
Brought the empire to its knees
You're welcome!
Just don't mention the Ewoks please

So what can I say except
You're welcome
For that saber you got thanks to me
The Force, it'll guide your way 
You're welcome
That's how it goes when you're a prodigy

You're welcome
You're welcome
Well, come to think of it...

Rey, honestly I could go on and on
I could explain even dumb midichlorians

Guiding a missile as tricky as that?

Nothing if you can bulls-eye a womp-rat!

Han killed a tauntaun

I slept in its guts

Kissed my own sister (which was kind of nuts) 

What's the lesson
What is the takeaway
Do or do not 'cause there is no try anyway
And the legend they tell of my life
Is an epic of heroes and strife
Me and the force we make everything happen
And look at R2 and 3P0 just tippity tapping
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hey!

Well, anyway let me say you're welcome
For the galaxy you've come to know
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome
But come to think of it, I gotta go

Hey, it's your day to say you're welcome

Now just train on this island alone

Chewie, jump to hyperspace

You're welcome

Let's pack this thing up and go home

You're welcome
You're welcome

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