Chapter 2

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It seems there's might have been a misunderstanding about Aquarius. She's named after the star constellation Zodiac, and so I get to decide what to do with my own character. And I should have been more specific about her details, she has DARK SAPPHIRE HAIR and LIGHT SKY BLUE eyes.
"Normal talk"
'Normal thinking'
"Movie talk"


The scene before them show Link kneeling in front of Zelda as the four Champions stand to the side of a stone pillar structure outside of Castle Town, The image changes to Mipha, Revali, Daruk and Urbosa watching Link being dubbed as Zelda's personal knight.

Mipha looks over to Aquarius "Is this the next day?" "Yes, There may be some time skips throughout these visions. But If we stay here any longer, we may lose some precious time." The King of Hyrule stroke his beard in thought, her reasons are good. Lets just hope that they will win.

Zelda spoke "Hero of Hyrule, choosen by the sword that seals the darkness... You have shown unflinching bravery and skill in the face of darkness and adversity. And have proven yourself worthy of the blessing of the goddess Hylia. whether skyward bound, adrift in time, or steeped in the glowing embers of twilight... The sacred blade is forever bound to the soul of the hero. We pray for your protection... and we hope that- That the two of you will grow stronger, as one."

Why is the Princess feels so sad when she said the vows? Shouldn't she be happy?

Zelda lowers her right are takes a breath as she continues her speech. While Daruk placed his hand to his chin in thought.
As he said "Gee, this is uplifting... She's making it sound like we already lost."
Revali turns to him "Wasn't this your idea?"
 Daruk turns to the Rito Champion.
"Your the one who wanted to designate the appointed knight with all the ceremonial prop, grandeur, and nonsense we could muster!"
Daruk only shrug his shoulders, as Revali turns his attention to Link, while Mipha looks over at them and back at Link. Feeling a bit nervous at what Revali has to say about Link.
"And if you ask me, this whole thing does seem to be overkill. I think I'm the same page as the Princess regarding... this boy."

King Rhoam didn't appreciate Revali's ideal statement on their chosen one. 'I'm going to have a few words with him later.'

"Oh, give it a rest." Said Urbosa rolling her eyes at the Rito, as she guested her hand at the two Hylians
"That boy is a living reminder of her own failures. Well, at lease that's how the princess sees him."
Zelda pulls back her hand, looks at it and then looks back at her appointed knight in sadness, sadness that she has not achieve anything yet.

Link felt his worry for Zelda, he never wanted to be put on the spot for achieving something before her. He wish he could do something for her to feel like she's not a failure.

It was then that he made a vow to help unlock her power, even if she doesn't want his help he will still support her in any way he can. 


Sorry for making this short, but I'm doing the best I can. I'll try to make the chapters longer if I can.

Se ya.

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