Chapter 3: Betrayal Breeds Betrayal

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Allen's POV

He heard the noah scream his name with sincere trepidation and looked back just in time to spot a female exorcist bash his face in with the hammer. Well, not literally. The blow to his face sent him flying backwards and he lay in a heap on the ground, spitting blood onto the pavement. Humans around them watched in disbelief as the woman drew her hammer high above her head and Chaozii pulled his fist back, ready to hit the noah.

What do I do, Allen panicked. I don't want to hurt them!

He stood to call for Chaozii and the female exorcist but was cut off by the sounds of angry yelling, coming from behind him. A large group of police officers came armed with guns and clearly ready to apprehend either the noah or himself. I don't have time to weigh my options!

He leapt to the noah and used his partially-learned black matter to throw the woman and Chaozii to the side, hoping to buy himself some time. They came right back, though, along with the police, who shot bullet after bullet at him. The only thing keeping him from being seriously wounded was his crown cloak and even that was starting to weaken with all of the damage he was taking. He knew he was running out of time when he, himself, began spitting blood onto Tyki's chest. "Choose", the voice inside his head whispered.

Allen grit his teeth and buried his face into the noah's chest in the hopes that no one would hear or see him cry. He allowed his crown clown and dark matter to stab repeatedly and randomly, making sure to pierce through their eyes and skulls as he sobbed wretchedly.

The noah wrapped his arms around him and covered the pale head of hair with his chin, being careful not to put his limbs in the line of fire. As the bodies dropped to the ground, the ex-exorcist lowered his cloak but kept it activated as he continued to cry, all the while trying to ignore the stares the remaining humans gave him.

"Let's go home, Shounen", Tyki whispered into his ear. For once, he sounded genuinely sympathetic and worried.

Allen understood the implication and opened a gate below them, to the ark. As they sunk through the door, he repeated in his head, as though to reach beyond the grave simply by thinking it many times, I'm sorry.

Tyki's POV

Allen fell on top of the noah, in the white ark, and sobbed into his chest. For several moments they sat like that before Tyki decided to attempt to move the boy. The exorcists still use this ark. It's too dangerous to sit here, waiting for the boy to cheer up. We need to move.

He stood up, lifting the boy with him, and fully expecting him to kick and scream in protest, being as independent as he is. The taller one was astonished to feel the boy's legs wrap around him and his nose digging into his neck. He must be really broken, to allow me to carry him. Earl... why?

He walked through a random door, landing them in the dark ark. As he walked down the path, to Allen's room, he stared at the ruby necklace on his pale, yet blood stained neck.

"Why didn't you defend yourself?"

The muffled croak nearly scared the noah out of his shoes. After recovering, his heart sunk into his chest with regret. Maybe I shouldn't have done as the Earl asked. Though, the consequences would more than likely be far worse than this, had I not...

In an attempt to mask his worry and guilt, he laughed, though a little nervously. "I'm not quite sure, myself!"

The boy gave no response, making Tyki fear that he was catching on. How much does he know?

Tyki's POV (Flashback)

"Hurt", Tyki asked, entirely confused. He was slightly agitated that the Earl wanted him to betray Allen and just as worried for his beloved's safety, but he only masked it all with melodramatic hurt. "How rude! You don't care about me?"

The Earl laughed heartily. "I do, but so does Mr. Walker. Which is why I want you to be hurt. Actually hurt. You're going to go out by the water and eventually cross paths with some exorcists. The plan is for you to be hurt enough for him to slaughter the exorcists in an effort to protect you."

Mikk narrowed his eyes as his heart filled with venom. "And why don't I just kill them?"

"I want him to get used to fighting the exorcists; to choose us over them and fight for us. Bonds are strengthened the fastest through partnership in battle and dire situations."

"But if he finds out about this-"

"Then it will be your responsibility to make him continue to side with us, whether you choose to use force or manipulation."

He clenched his hands into fists, trying to fight the urge to attack the Earl. He knew he could never win against him - no one could - but his instincts told him to fight anyway, as a noah. He began to growl a protest, "But Earl-"

"If I were you, Tyki Mikk", the Earl warned, standing up. "I'd start thinking up a plan."

The noah of pleasure lowered his head, allowing his hair to cover his face. "Why me", he mumbled.

"Because you have to know a puppet thoroughly to maneuver it." As he hopped to the door, he said in a more joyful tone, "Have fun!" He stopped at the entrance to the room and, without turning, he spoke with that terrifying aura of murder he had when he was angry. "Oh and I'd clean up that attitude if yours, if I were you." With that, he hopped out.

Tyki threw the dishes onto the ground before putting his head in his hands and sighing out the rest of his frustration. Why...? I just gained his trust, so why?!

Allen's POV

Allen'd asked Tyki to leave him in his room, since he wanted to be alone, despite his injuries.

He felt sad, since he'd obviously been betrayed by Tyki and he killed Chaozii. Even if he did hate me, that shouldn't give me the right to kill him... And Tyki wasn't defending himself... but why? Was it somehow apart of the Earl's plan or did he do this just to spite me?

He was angry - furious, even - and laid on his bed, hugging his pillow, bleeding on all the white, and crying into the soft fabric, as a way to release his rage.

It felt as if the anger was pouring over him, like fire on and under his skin. Eventually, he fell asleep. Or so he thought. He was once again face to face with Neah. This time, he didn't even bother rejecting him.

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