Chapter 8: Level 5

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Allen's POV

Allen walked down the path of the ark, heading for the dining room. Tyki left him to his room to get ready but told him that he had to be at dinner or the Earl would be upset with both of them. Quite frankly, he didn't care what the fat man thought, nor did he care whether or not he was angry with him or Tyki. However, the edge in the older man's voice told the younger that there was something that he'd feared.

The boy could only really assume that the head of this ark was an even more terrifying man, when reckoned with. He'd already been terrifying when in battle, so Allen didn't dare wonder what went on when he was actually furious. According to Tyki, the larger man hadn't been furious in years and the majority of the noah only had their instincts to tell as to why they all trembled before him, but weren't willing to find out, once again.

Allen wasn't willing to, either.

At least not yet. He would soon go face to face with the larger man and he was preparing himself to do so. As well as to go face to face with the ones he loved. Surely, Tyki would choose the Earl, once more.

He lifted his hand and allowed his fingertips to brush across the ruby necklace that hugged his neck. It had been a gift from Tyki to him – one that seemed to be entirely genuine. If this necklace is a genuine gift, doesn't that mean that so are his feelings, for me? But, so could be said, if his feelings for me are fake, then what were his intentions behind this gift? Were they genuine? Were they innocent?

As he allowed his face to droop slightly, he suddenly smelled something familiar, though he couldn't quite pinpoint what the smell was. All he knew was that it reminded him of his past, in some way. It reminded him of a time when he had Mana, whether or not the smell was similar to Mana's.

His heart slightly ached at the thought and he looked around, hoping to find the source of the smell. Is Mana's spirit nearby, maybe? Is that why i'm suddenly smelling this? Are you trying to remind me, Mana? Or is this supposed to be a smell sent by God; a sign, telling me not to leave. Or, maybe, it's a sign telling me specifically TO leave. Or maybe it's simply a smell... Either way, my decision stands - I'm leaving the ark as soon as I get the opportunity to do so. As soon as I get the heart to do so.

Feeling more confident at the possibility that Mana might be walking beside him every step of the way, he pushed the doors to the dining room opened and walked in, no longer hesitant in his decision making. No longer fearful of what may come.

Tyki's POV

The noah sat at the dining table, waiting for the boy, just as the rest of the noah did. The earl insisted upon them waiting for their "guest" to be seated, despite his hatred for them and lack of respect.

He lifted the ribbon the boy gave to him off of his neck and held it delicately, in his palm.

To care so much for something so small - and given to me by a human - surely makes me look weak. But what do I care? I wouldn't trade it for the world. Not that I could ever admit to that - my pride IS on the line here, after wall.

The boy finally walked in, dressed in white - as usual - with a warm-looking, white, furry cape that resembled his innocence, closely. Completely ignoring the noah of pleasure as he sat directly beside him - in the only available seat - he didn't so much as glance at him. Though, as he settled in and the Earl called for their meals, his face began to droop and his eyes looked to be filled with hurt.

Is this because I refused to abandon our Lord, for him? What does he expect? This is a bond of family blood between us noah that's stood for the past 7,000 years, and he wants me to abandon that blood connection for something I've had for - what - a year? Relationships are more frequently short-lived, while blood ties can't be cut.

He huffed out a breath of frustration and lifted his fork, ignoring the boy lifting his head and looking at the noah. His pale lips opened, as though he planned to speak, but he was cut off by the Earl's cheery announcement.

"Now that you're all here, there's something that I've been meaning to show to you. Something that I've been working diligently on, for awhile now."

A show? Of what? And why would he reveal his plans in front of the boy - the fourteenth?

All of his questions were answered when the Earl ordered someone to come out and a human-looking figure stepped out of the shadows. Though, he knew it couldn't be human. As a noah, he could tell that it was an akuma. A level 4...? No, this one's too advanced. It's got to be a...

As the boy's cursed eye activated, the Earl spoke with glee. "This is the first level 5 akuma I've created, so far. Isn't it gorgeous?"

Walker jumped from his seat and began to run, but his legs gave out below him and he fell to the ground, the cape and his hair covering the space between his face and the floor as he puked audibly.

"Allen!" Tyki joined him at his side and crouched down, holding out a hand to help him up.

His hand was immediately slapped away and Allen looked up, glaring furiously. "Don't touch me", he yelled.

A moment of silence passed with the noah of pleasure staring at him in shock before the boy smiled wide, through his tears. He looked down at the floor and began to shakily lift himself up, saying, "I'd almost completely forgotten who you are and what you do. You're just a noah; you torture the innocent and induce despair joyfully. I'd almost forgotten... how much I hate you..."

His heart broke with the last three words the younger uttered. "Allen..." The noah reached his hand out once more, hoping that, at the very least, he could place it onto his shoulder, to comfort him. Though, the ex-exorcist evoked his Clown Cloak, jumping back and yelling, "Don't touch me!"

He backed away a couple of steps before turning and running out of the room, leaving Tyki with his shock. Almost immediately, his surprise turned to fury and he clenched his hands into fists. And you, Allen Walker, are just an exorcist.

(Sorry that his reaction's so... weird. xD It was originally in his POV and actually made sense and was great! Then, I thought, "Welp, I need to show Tyki's reaction, so I can only show his POV!" So yeah... I hope it wasn't too weird. From Tyki's POV, it kind of just looks like Allen's lost his noggin. Or is running in fear of the akuma. Of course, we readers know why Allen turns his eyes from the akuma! They're "disgusting", as he puts it. xp)

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