Chapter 24 - Heightened Senses

Start from the beginning

I wanted to be strong, and knowing Dean thought that I could be, was incredibly empowering. I wanted to be confident in myself, but that nagging feeling at the back of my mind, constantly reminding me that I wasn't strong or beautiful or worth anything...the things that my so called "father" had constantly hammered into my subconscious, remained. I felt as though I would never fully escape it.

I walked with Dean down the hallway towards his office and meeting room. I'd actually never been in his meeting room, since there hadn't been any important meetings since I'd officially taken the title as Luna. Dean's office was familiar, of course, but the meeting room was completely separate and a little further down the hallway.

When we entered the room, I was instantly taken aback by its size. I'd expected to walk into a simple conference room of average size, mostly taken up by an extra long table with chairs. But this room was huge and extravagant – the ceilings were high with chandeliers hanging from them. The walls were lines with floor-to-ceiling windows, bookcases, couches, and even a mini-bar. The only thing that had been accurate in my mind was the large meeting table at the center of the room.

"Good, we've made it here first," Dean said lowly before flipping on the lights, completely obliviously to my amazement.

Dean walked towards the head of the table and had a seat, motioning for me to have the seat to his right, and then dropping his stack of files and paperwork in the chair to his left. Just as I got settled in the large, leather rolling chair, a loud knock sounded from the door.

"Enter," Dean instantly called out, and on command, the door swung open.

Two vaguely familiar guards entered first, followed by two men who I'd never seen before, both with tanned skin and dark hair. One of them was clearly much older, as his hair was darker, but had streaks of silver running through it, revealing his age despite his still fairly muscular build.

I knew that had to be him. That was Silas – my father.

The younger male had slightly lighter brown hair but shared the same tan complexion. He radiated the power of a true Alpha – his large muscles evident even concealed beneath clothing. He was also incredibly tall – even a bit taller than his father.

I knew this to be my newly discovered brother – Alpha Trey.

I stared at the two men as they walked into the room and took seats at the other end of the table. My entire body felt numb. I didn't know what to do, what to say. All I could do was stare at them both and take in their every feature.

Including the extremely bright, violet colored eyes that they both shared.

"Welcome to Dark Root, Trey...Silas," Dean finally spoke, sounding a bit like he'd just tasted something bitter.

I didn't miss the fact that he didn't address Trey by his title – Alpha.

"I do hope you both are aware that your visit is to be kept extremely private. No one besides the people present in this room are to know of your presence in my pack. Is that understood?" Dean asked, his voice seeming to grow deeper by the second. I could tell he was tense and overall just unhappy about our current situation.

"Understood," Trey quickly responded with a nod, sounding a lot less bothered than Dean.

"This is my mate and my Luna, Audrey," Dean spoke again, motioning towards me. "You two may now know her as sister...and daughter."

A small smile cracked on Trey's face, "It's wonderful to finally meet you, Audrey. I must admit that I'd always wanted a little sister growing up. The world works in mysterious ways, it seems."

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