Chapter 5

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*Vomits Blood* "Fighting giants is kinda fun" I say standing up trying to recover from the damage I just received, Me and Amira have been in a battle with a squadron of Giants, "Miri focus on your fight you dumbass" Amira says clearly angry I was having fun.

"What a puny mage, You're just an insect" I hear a giant saying to Amira, "At least I have brains, you have nothing" She says giving an awkward smile, "Well time to get serious about this battle, I'm tired of being used as a ball😕" I say while unsheathing the conjured sword Amira gave to me, I've never really wanted to cut things up, but I guess I'll have to hurt them a little😏"I say while trying to channel energy into the sword

I think Amira is being a bad influence😅

"Hey you ugly beast I'm coming for you" I say charging at one of the giants, The thing about Giants is that they're overconfident, anger them a little and they lose all composure, making them vulnerable, I continue charging at him while looking for an opening to make a slight cut on his hard skin, Fighting a giant is really hard but it's still fun, He tries to use his sword on me intentionally going for my legs, but unfortunately for him I was born with great legs, I jump on his sword using it as a stepping stone to go for his head unfortunately the highest point I could get to was around his knee, "Well this is just great😒" I say really disappointed in my self, I try to land stab on his knee, he uses his hand to block my sword,  which was a bad move because my sword tore through his palm, Fortunately at the point I used my sword to pierce his sword I infused some light magic in the blade causing the hole in his palm to be wider and I use that opening to land a stab on his left knee

"ARRRRGGGGHHHH" The ugly giants screams in pain, "You'll pay for that, insect" He says as I retreat, I turn to look at Amira who was having trouble fighting  Five giants at the same time, "I better hurry" I whispered to myself,  Then a hand came from Nowhere with overwhelming speed..
It wasn't that fast, I just wasn't looking 😅

And I was Immediately thrown to the ground, "I told you, you'll pay" Said the Giant whose palm I put a hole through, He could barely stand up, He had lost the use of His left leg, I made sure of that, As I got closer to take his second leg, I was grabbed by another Giant, "Hahahaha,  Insect I've got you now" He said with a devilish smile😈, I kept struggling to escape his grasp, I couldn't use the conjured sword on him, I was finished... "I'm useless again.. Huh?" I said with a said look on my face, Amira was right I am useless, "IDIOT!!!!  USE YOUR BRAINS DAMN IT" Amira screamed at me with a smile, "You can do it,  I believe in you" I felt those words to be really encouraging, " I began biting, biting into his skin, I infused my teeth with light magic since I couldn't use my sword, I bit his flesh so much that my face had blood all over it, and yet... He didn't feel any pain, all I felt was despair at my own weakness, then suddenly I felt his grip begin to loosen, and then the giant fell to the ground,  it obviously wasn't my biting that caused it, Who then could have helped us?..... "Are you  okay? " Toki said..

(A/N:  for those of you who didn't read the first A/N, Which gave the character descriptions and all,  Toki's ability is to Hypnotize people using the scales that fall from his wings)

Rushing towards me, The only reason he helped me was so I could put in a good word for Gober, "Yeah I'm okay" I said in a broken voice,  I could barely stand, "Hop on, Idiot" Toki said offering me a rude on his back, we flew to where Amira was, "There!" I shouted pointing to Amira on the Ground who was still fighting the giants, The giants being aware of Toki's ability fled, but after dealing a great deal of Damage to Amira, "Amira are you okay? " I said rushing towards her, "My... book.... T...... They.... are.... with it" She said Stretching her right hand towards the direction the giants fled, I held her close, hoping she wouldn't leave me, She was already unconscious, after suffering from several injuries, "Hey, Toki is there a healer here? " I said in a cold Tone, "Yeah there is, not to far from here, let me take her there" Toki saud offering to help, Don't worry, I'll go with you...

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