The Beginning of it all...

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* Author's Note *

All Characters are fictional
Setting fictional
Plot Fictional

Agnolia: A continent of Magic


Miri(Main Character *Human*)
A poor Human Village Boy, From the Village Mura
Who gets magical powers from ripping the Veil

The captain of the Eastern gate, Joins Miri on a quest to return the Veil to it's Original state

She's a libarian that uses the Book of A Thousand steps to cast steps, She can't use advanced Magic without it

A dishonoured Knight seeking for a way to regain his honor, He soon realises the only way is to help Miri on his quest

Magical Beasts (Azure)

Finister-Viel's Azure, has the power to breathe fire

Toki-Gober's Azure, Has the Power to make scales fall from it's wings and Hypnotise people

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