1. Incase of emergency

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I am seated on a stool near the dance floor, my body being covered in disgusting puke (don't ask) surrounded by ample other hormonal humans who are currently busy either sucking each others faces or drinking to no limits.

Saturday nights had always been typical.

Teens nowadays, act like love struck puppies. Love, however is more of a far concept for me. Call me selfish but if love means roaming around only one person 24/7, then love will never be my cup of tea. I'm better egoistical than enslaved. I can't even imagine myself being wrapped around anyone's finger.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when one girl decided that no other businesss was as important as hitting on me.

"Woah, so hot.'' the redhead wearing a dress which looked as if it was forcefully pushed onto her body and left almost nothing to imagination, blurted while practically drooling.

What's her fault? I'm irresistible.

Maybe playing a little won't hurt. "Trust me, I would love to describe your beauty too. But darling, words aren't enough."

Her face glowed with joy and she bit her lower lip in a seductive manner to keep my sudden interest alive.

She started leaning in probably to kiss me and this had to be the part where the making out goes out of control and we end up having a passionate night at some hotel room but when had fate been generous to me?

She threw up right on my shirt.

"I-I your shirt was smel- no I don't mean.. I just- it  I don't mean- ugh sorrry I mean I-i"

Before she could blabber anymore shit, a familiar voice cut in "Dude, oh god,- twice a day--haha" he chuckled

"Shut up Al" I frowned at my shirt, it was a gift from- okay let's not go there. Right now I'm covered in disgusting vomit and to make it grosser not just one but two beautiful girls did this to me. (Note the sarcasm) And as an icing to the cake, Alan has already clicked pictures enough to keep me under his ownership until infinity ends- okay that was over dramatic. But still I'm gonna spank his ass after dealing with this shit.

I'm not that of a gentleman but I can't be said to be an asshole either. Hence, I gently forced the women aside who was on the edge of having a mental breakdown and took long strides towards the bar.

"Something strong please"
Poke poke poke.

This guy surely knows how to get in my nerves.

"What's your freakng problem dude?'

"Come on liam, that was hilarious, I couldn't keep my laughter in at the first time, and you expect me to act dead serious now."

I regret coming here and trust me I would rather prefer the club than most of the places on earth.

As soon as I entered the club, Beatrice aka the queen bee threw herself on me, like literally, not kidding.

She started confessing her undying love for me and kept giggling uncontrollably.

Now I don't know that was it the fact that she had consumed a hell lot of alcohol or that she was disgusted by her own disgusting self that she couldn't control and threw up right on my shirt.

After helping her fragile self, I asked Al to arrange for some alternative as my clothing had been tortured. I cozied on a stool in the meanwhile.
And when I decided to have soon fun, yet another girl decided to empty her guts out on me.

I would like a signboard to hand around my neck, which would say 'In case of emergency throw up on this guy'

Alan waved his hand clutching a shirt in front of my face and her action was reciprocated by me snatching it out of his grip. I wonder where'd he get a spare one at this moment.

But again, Alan is one hell of a human.

I dramatically unhooked my prior shirt from my body, slowing dragging it down my arm, showing off my six packs. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see girls gawking at my body with awe and the corners of my mouth twitched up in a smirk.

After changing into the new shirt I noticed an amused expression on the faces of the girls who were previously devouring me with their eyes. That's when I realized that something's wrong. I looked down at my shirt and noticed something infuriating.


That asshole gave me a shirt having a print of Dora and his chipmunk 'whatever is his name'. Wait, I remember his name. I would prefer map over that monkey, map is a remarkable character and I'd never forget his song- wait a minute I'm going off the point.

So, right now whatever little spirit or wildness was left in me famished away. I threw the shirt off my body and rushed for the exit.

I knew I was overreacting and maybe imitating a female walrus on her PMS but today was too much to deal with.

I had arrived with the intention of loosening up and forgetting all stress i was laden with.
I wasn't a brilliant or outstanding student but not the average kid as well. I'd get straight A's until now. I got F in calculus and it's really troubling me.

You'd be thinking why'd I be so worried about my academic brilliance given I can buy the whole high school let alone the degrees and certificates, the reason being my ego. Whether you take it positively or negatively, I don't care, I have a great, huge ego. And I decided it was against my ego to be fed every thing on a silver platter. Wherein Beatrice is concerned, she's sometimes actually good to talk too and I don't see any outstanding reason to break up with her. Also she doesn't actually attend school 70% of the times because she thinks it is cool to bunk school so I'm relieved of her at times that she is crazy.

Alan had been my only moral support as anyone else I came across was either a gold-digger, fame-digger or was very merry oblivious, introverted and I-ain't-no-fun kinda person.

Alan hadn't had a rich family. In fact he had none. He lost his parents at an early age, was forced into some sponsored parents' house. Those jerks took out all their frustrations out on him. He had accepted his fate but was eventually saved by the neighbors. Even though he has coped up with the tragedies life offers, the inhibitions his 'parents' forced him into haunt him to date. He lived in an apartment he earned himself and relied solely on his football scholarships for his schooling.

Obviously I offered paying but he said that he isn't a gold-digger.

As the wind blew in it's gracious euphony, a shiver ran down my spine. That's when I realized I hadn't actually grabbed the shirt while rushing out.

Out of reflex I removed my legs from the lake water that I had engulfed them into, probably when I was lost in my thoughts and embraced my own self.

I started walking towards my mansion as I sure to hell wasn't returning to the club wherein my motorcycle lay, and I was too lazy-assed to remove my mobile from my back pocket and call for a cab.

If I'd keep walking constantly for ten minutes I'd reach home without any obstructions. Or so I thought.


Al. Vote if you think I'm cool and hot and sexy and funny. *Hand-fans himself*



Holaaaa! I hope you can lend me your ears for a minute. Although this may seem to be a cliche wherein the female protagonist can be said to be a damsel in distress and the male is the miraculous saviour, and in the saving process they fall in love and live happily ever after. Although I love that plot, this ain't that. Please continue reading I promise as many plot twists that are enough for you to be sitting in the corner and whacking your brains on the wall. And if you think that this book is trash I totally utterly agree because I have no ideas what I'm gonna write. Xx

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