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"Naruto-Sama." Naruto looked up from the paperwork on his desk to see Obito.
"Yes What is it?" Obito stepped aside to show Yami holding a plate of food. "I made us lunch Momma." Naruto smiled and got up from his desk. He smiled at the boy who had his fathers orange hair. He had Naruto's whisker marks and his bright blue eyes, everything else he got from his father. He nodded Obito out and hugged his 7 year old. "Thank you Yami. Where would you like to eat?" Yami sat down on the floor and Naruto joined him. "Are you making friends at school?" Naruto asked as he took a bite of the poorly wrapped sushi, however his baby tried his best and so he would eat it. "Yes, these twin boys name is Inojin and Shikadai. They both said that his momma and Papa were your friends in school and still are after you quit your job. Naruto smiled and nodded, "yes me, Shika-Kun and Ino-Chan are friends." Yami smiled the same bright smile Naruto sprots constantly now that he had his family and all seemed to be peaceful at the moment. "Are you saving any food for me?" Naruto smiled as he heard that voice. Yami stood up and ran to his dad. "Papa, How was your mission?" Yahiko kissed his son on the head and smiled.

"It was a good one, did you save some sushi for your father?" Yami nodded and pulled his dad down to sit down. Yahiko kissed Naruto on the cheek and began eating sushi while talking to his son. Naruto looked on with such love, he was sure that his heart would explode. In these seven years Naruto and Yahiko has raised Yami. He knows he is the heir to the Mafia Akatsuki however he won't start training until he is 12 giving him a childhood. Naruto still keeps in touch with Shikamaru who got together with Ino. Having Inojin and Shikadai. The Akatsuki expanded and grew. The one sole Mafia ruling the underground at the moment they have stumbled upon a peaceful time.

Kisame and Obito are still together, along with Sasori and Deidara, and Hidan and Kazuku. Zetsu ended up dating and marrying Yasin. While Nagato is dating a woman named Mei who doesn't care that he's in the Mafia. Naruto and Yahiko are the only ones that had a child. The other couples are looking to adopt except for Zetsu and Nagato. Yami ate the last sushi and laid down in between his mother and father. "Yami Baby, you shouldn't sleep on the floor." Naruto whispered in his sons ear, joining him on the floor. Yahiko chuckled as he heard the soft snores from the both of them. Grabbing a cover he covers them both and lays down with them.

"I can't believe I was ready to die and not get to experience all of this." Yahiko mentally reprimanded himself and drifts to sleep. Yami was a beautiful boy, beautiful spirit. Kisame once called him 'an orange haired angel' he was much like his mother, compassionate, and wore his expressions on his face. He however was still Yahiko's son and was commanding when wanting an answer. His voice was like a child like version of his fathers voice. He was the perfect mix of the two. Not too crazy but not too calm he was right in the middle.

Yahiko's glare never softened unless looking at his son or Naruto. His voice did soften a little but he still put fear in the hearts of almost anybody excluding his son and Naruto. He was working on making sure there wasn't another Mafia like the Heibi brewing since Suigetsu and Judo were the only two to make it out alive.

Naruto changed the most. He was still known as Deadly angel in the underground and to police officers. He was more of a protecter now, making sure nobody could lay a hand on his family, now that Yahiko let him. His blonde hair was still long and he looked amazing. He's looked better now than he's ever have. He has a family now, people worth protecting and it feels him with joy to be able to protect them.

Yami woke up in his mother's arms. He could see his dad's arms wrapped tightly around his mom and smiled. He was glad he had such loving parents. He wanted a sibling however. He wanted to protect someone like how his papa protects momma. Naruto felt his child stir and opened his eyes to see him pouting. "What's wrong baby?" Yahiko in turned opened his eyes sleepily and looked at Yami who seemed so sad. "I want somebody to protect. I want to have a sibling to watch over and protect, like how Papa protects you Mama." Naruto face curled into a smiles as he kissed his sons head. Yahiko felt his heart flutter at his sons problem. He was a kind soul, much like Naruto. Naruto smiled at his son. "Im going to let you on in a secret baby, don't tell daddy." Yahiko rolled his eyes as Yami nodded ferociously. "Mommy is pregnant. I'm having a girl." Yami eyes widened as he looks into his moms eyes.

"I'm going to be a big brother?" Naruto chuckled and nodded. "And you'll get to protect her too." Yami smiled and hugged his mom and started crying. Naruto was tearing up as well running a hand down his sons back. He was whispering loving words into his sons ear. "Baby you'll be a good brother." Naruto kissed his cheek and wiped the tears from his eyes. Yami looked at his mom and smiled and wiped his tears. "I'm going to go train with Uncle Kazuku so I can protect her." Naruto laughed and ruffled his sons hair. "Make sure you pace yourself baby." Yami nodded and ran off. Naruto hummed and turned around to face Yahiko. Yahiko kissed his forehead and brought him in tighter. "How far along are you?" Naruto smiled against his chest.  "4 months, but it was nothing like my pregnancy with Yami. She's calmer, most likely will take after you." Yahiko chuckled and brought Naruto's lips to his.

Pulling away from the kiss Naruto smiled at Yahiko.
"The name for the baby?" Yahiko thought about it, them he smiled.
"Kirā Pein." Naruto looked at his lover and scoffed.
What did I say about your last name?" Yahiko chuckled and placed his hand on Naruto's cheek.
"You named Yami Pein, I don't see why Kirā can't also be Pein." Naruto rolled his eyes but smiled.
"Fine I guess." Naruto pulled away from Yahiko and smiled. "Now get out I have to clean." Yahiko chuckled and kissed his lover.

"There is a meeting in the conference room after dinner Tenshi, I expect you to be at this one." Naruto licked his lips.
"I'll be there, however Akuma. I still would love a punishment." Naruto kissed his lover and walked towards his desk only for Yahiko to grabbed him by the wrist.
"I'll give you a punishment right now while Yami is distracted." Yahiko locked the door and pushed a pregnant Naruto against the desk, not roughly but enough. Naruto moaned and dropped his Kimono with nothing underneath. "Do I get a harsher treatment?" Naruto purred out and Yahiko nodded. "You do. I've told you about wearing clothes in the presence of others." Naruto practically moaned at the way Yahiko breath seemed to dance on his skin.

"I love you Akuma." Naruto said wrapping his hands around Yahiko's neck. Yahiko bit down and licked up the blood trickling down Naruto's neck. He then kissed Naruto letting him taste the irony taste he loved so much.
"I love you too Tenshi."

Kirā meaning Killer.

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