What is wrong with Akuma's Tenshi?

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"Hello Naruto-Sama." The nurse just walks in, she didn't knock nor alert Naruto of her presence. Naruto looked at the lady and immediately ran to the bathroom to throw up again. He pukes in the sink not even making it to the toilet.
"Naruto-Sama." The nurse scurries after him, telling her helper to grab him some water. She rubs his back and he calms down.
"I'm sorry, thank you." The nurse leads Naruto back to bed.
"It's okay, you should eat something. Zetsu-San is telling me you aren't eating." Naruto nodded.
"I'll just have some soup then." She nodded and began to check him.

"Any pain with pooping or peeing?"
"Any back pain or stomach pains when throwing up."
"No." The nurse didn't know what was wrong with him so she brought in an Ultrasound with her.
"Okay Naruto, I'm going to check you stomach, maybe you have appendicitis or something got stuck in your intestines and it's trying to push it out on its own. Naruto nodded and to be honest he felt a little vulnerable without Yahiko. He wanted comfort and couldn't even receive it.

"This is going to be a little cold." Naruto squinted his eyes as the cool gel fell against his stomach. He looked towards the monitor hoping nothing was seriously wrong. He saw a mass and immediately got scared.
"Nurse What is that mass?" The nurse however was shocked. She changed angles and everything. She was shocked, she looked to Naruto and then smiled.
"I have to take your blood Naruto-Sama I want to be 100% sure before I give you a diagnosis." Naruto nodded and the nurse left. He held his stomach and let sleep consume him.


It was quiet and dark. You couldn't see where to go. The Akatsuki could only listen to movements, they could only pray everybody was sleep and they weren't walking into a trap. Alas, the Heibi has a different plan. They came upon three hallways. Yahiko halted his team.
"Kisame, Hidan and Kazuku, take the left path, Sasori, Deidara and Obito take the right path. Me and Nagato will take the middle. Kill everybody, Deidara, not too many bombs, please don't take us out along with Heibi." Yahiko Said and the others nodded, Deidara gave a chuckle,
"Hai Leader-Sama." Yahiko nodded and Nagato piped up.
"Let's make it out for Naruto-Sama's sake."
"Scatter." With that they all ran down the hall, listening to any noise that might signal an early death.

-Kisame, Hidan, Kazuku-

The trio ran into a bright room and that would've been enough to throw off anyone. However these three recovered quickly and dodged a trap set for them.
"Excellent, Right Honey." Suigetsu said walking in with Judo.
"If only Orochimaru-Sama allowed me to use my bombs as a trap they would've been dead." Judo calmed his lover.
"Let's end this and have sex." Hidan rolled his eyes,
"That Kazuku line." Suigetsu laughed,
"If only we didn't meet as enemies I'm sure we would've became friend.
"I believe you're right, however we are enemies, so let's go." Kazuku  said and Judo ran after him and Hidan, leaving Suigetsu to Kisame.

-Obito, Sasori, Deidara-

They didn't have to walk far for Deidara to set off a bomb, Sasori could only sigh and chuckle at his crushes antics. Obito smiled he always loved Deidara's bomb, it was bright and flashy. He set off one to many and the wall behinds them falls, blocking the way out. Deidara only laughed,
"Now nobody can escape." Sasori shook his head then looked up, I guess all this commotion would attract some Heibi members. Obito looked up, this was Itachi Uchiha, his cousin. He was never treated like an Uchiha simply because he didn't act like one, he was disowned and looking at it now it made him who he is.

"Cousin, I wish not to talk. I want everybody in this rooms head for the death of my brother." Itachi pulled out a sword and stood away from the Heibi member. Kimimaro wasn't surprise, he knew Itachi would turn.
"I see, well show me that Uchiha blood that runs so smoothly in you." Obito pulled a sword off the wall and faced his perfect cousin.

"I guess that leaves us." Sasori said pulling a knife." Deidara already lining the walls with bombs.
I guess so. For Orochimaru sakes, I will end you all." Kimimaro said pulling the same knife as Sasori."

-Yahiko and Nagato-

The walked the halls. Both on their mind was a certain blonde beauty. Nagato and Naruto were close finding out that they both were Uzumaki's made them at least distant cousins. He was everything the Uzumaki's stood for. Even with the career change from Bounty Hunter to Mafia Mistress. Yahiko was just wondering was the last time he saw Naruto going to be the last time. He knew the thing about Madara was his readiness to always die, that's how he was so successful. He wanted to embody the same thing his surrogate father portrayed.
"My, You didn't bring the blonde." Yahiko and Nagato whipped their heads so quick to see Orochimaru and Kabuto.

"No matter, I have someone tailing the blonde. I heard he's going to Osaka." Yahiko snorted, that's not where is was going but he'll let Orochimaru think that.
"You better not touch him, your fight is with me." Orochimaru cackled,
"It is, but thanks to that blonde, the police is on me due to Miyah being charged for a murder your blonde committed." Yahiko shrugged,
"I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm done talking."

Orochimaru chuckled,
"Oh, Yahiko, if it's a fight you want prepare to die." Nagato stepped up,
"Over my dead body." Kabuto smiled and pushed up his glasses.
"That can be arranged." They four looked between the other and pulled out some knifes, they charged at one another.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS PLANE IS HEADING TO OSAKA?" Zetsu yelled waking up Naruto. Naruto stalked out the room to see an angry Zetsu yelling at the pilot, he was tied up and it didn't make any sense to Naruto.
"Zetsu weren't we supposed to be heading to Kyoto?" Zetsu looked to Naruto and Naruto was almost frightened, almost. He's never see Zetsu so mad.
"Zetsu-Sama, I'm sorry, Orochimaru payed my child's hospital bill to fly this plane to Osaka instead of Kyoto. My daughter was Very..."
"SILENCE." Naruto didn't need to hear anything else, he was suddenly awake and acutely aware that him and Zetsu were in deep shit if this plane landed. Zetsu shuddered, "Hai Naruto-Sama." They both muttered.

Naruto leaned down and grabbed the pilot by the chin.
"You know I am not heartless, if you came to me and explained I would've helped you out." Naruto said to the pilot. He nodded his head,
"Now I am going to untie you and you are going to fly this plane anywhere but Osaka." He nodded again.
"Hai Naruto-Sama." Naruto looked at him,
"You are to watch him, make sure we do not land anywhere near Osaka nor Kyoto. Orochimaru probably anticipated that he would fold and stationed people in both places."
"Hai, anything else." Naruto nodded.
"When we are safe, find a new pilot, unfortunately for Christian here, once he lands this plane, his daughter will be fatherless." Naruto pushed the pilot and stormed off. The pilot was a mess of tears and Zetsu pulled the pilot towards the room.

"Chimei-Takina Tenshi in the flesh." Zetsu muttered and watched the GPS on the plane. He was always amazed at how well Naruto could be so nice one second then deadly the next.

Naruto sat at the kitchen table eating whatever Yasin was made. She sat next to him, she's been worried About his health, the constant throwing up, and the fatigue. He didn't have much of an appetite lately and it frightened her.
"Naruto what's wrong with you? What did the nurse say?" Yasin was the only maid that he allowed to drop the Sama. She was like a friend to him. Friends don't call him Sama.
"I don't know, I saw a mass in my stomach on the ultrasound and the nurse took blood to be 100% sure of whatever that is. She smiled so I hope it's nothing threatening.

The nurse walked in with his results.
"Naruto-Sama. I know what's wrong with you." Naruto looked up at the Nurse, and squeezed Yasin hand. The nurse smiled and held the test.

"You're pregnant."

His Tenshi Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ