Monster: The Questioning

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Time seemed to be frozen. She, Yuki Seijuro, was an enchanted siren. No enchanted siren has appeared in a thousand years. What was going on?

"Thank you for listening," Yuki suddenly stated monotonously. "I hope you enjoyed." With that said, she gathered her belongings and exited the classroom. I stared at her retreating form, shocked along with the rest of the class. A shrieking ring of the bell announced the end of class, making everyone start to grab their belongings and exit quickly. Sighing, I grabbed my bag and started on my way to my locker.


I scurried down the empty hallway, cursing my stupid brothers for leaving me behind once again. I really need to hex them or something once I get home, for bloody hell! As I turned the corner, I saw a small group of peers surrounding a figure. As I looked closer though, I saw it was Yuki. As I approached closer, I nearly dropped my things at the things the group said.

"Hey, little birdy. Why don't you squawk a new song? Oh wait, you can't without things happening!"

"She can't even speak properly without something happening! Instead she has to use a board half the time!"

"Poor little birdy. Can't do anything at all!"

With all of that said, the group pushed her down a repeatedly started to kick her. Something came came over me, something powerful. Taking out my wand, I pushed through the group and in front of Yuki.

"Try that again and it may be your funeral," I growled harshly. Instead of the reaction I was hoping for, a huge boy came up to me and threw me into the wall.

"Sorry Arthur, but this freak deserves this. Don't worry though, we'll save you some too!" the boy replied cheerfully showing his canine teeth. I grit my teeth. The boy's a werewolf! Just my bloody luck! I was interrupted from my thoughts when I heard a grunt. Yuki was shakily standing up, holding onto the wall for support.

"Aww look! Birdy's being brave!" werewolf boy said smugly. I don't think he could have ever predicted her next move, though. I hadn't even predicted it, but it had me mesmerized all the same.

I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed,

Get along with the voices inside of my head

Shadows started to surround the group of peers, surprising them dearly. They went to escape, but the shadows always pulled them back.

Your trying to save me

Stop holding your breath

As these words were sang, Yuki stepped even closer to the group making them try to move away. I stayed frozen in place, wondering what was going to happen next with these next words.

And you think I'm crazy, yeah you think I'm crazy

The shadows started to climb all over the group. They started to panic and were about to scream until the shadows covered their mouths, leaving their frightened eyes and noses uncovered. Yuki stepped in front of werewolf boy before she sang the next word with a smirk.

Well that's nothing

With that said, the group was soon engulfed in the shadows leaving no trace that they were there. I stared in horror. What did she do to them?!?

"It's okay," she said reassuringly. "They aren't dead." I deadpanned at this. I looked back up to ask her another question, but saw her nowhere to be found.

I don't know why, but there are so many questions in my head right now.

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