Chapter 9: The Imposter

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    After the almost romantic evening at the lagoon, the couple returned to the castle. Hinata was in room getting ready for bed, Naruto was playing his flute and Eric is playing the flute and contemplating as Sasuke approaches. "Naruto, if I may say, far better than any dream girl" he says placing his hand on Naruto's shoulder, "is one of flesh and blood, one warm and caring, and right before your eyes." he smiles as he goes inside. Naruto sees Hinata brushing her hair and shows a smile smile. He looks at the flute and tosses it out into the sea. As he was about to go inside to talk to Hinata, all of a sudden he gets distracted by Kaguya/Shion singing with Hinata's voice and has became hypnotized by her spell.  

  The next morning Kakashi comes flying into Hinata's room "Hinata! Hinata! wake up! Wake up!" he shouts with excitement causing Hinata and Neji to wake up "I just heard the news. Congratulations, kiddo, we did it!" Kakashi shook Hinata's hand. "What is this idiot babbling about?" Neji yawned "as if you two didn't know, uh? The whole town's buzzin' about the prince gettin' himself hitched this afternoon!" he smiled. Hinata rose an eyebrow confused "You know, he's getting married! You silly sidewalker! I just wanted to wish you luck. I'll catch you later, I wouldn't miss it!" he rejoices and flies out the window. Hinata thought to herself then realized that its her wedding day. She jumps out of bed and rushes downstairs, only to find Naruto and a blond headed girl.

   Hinata looks in horror, but hides behind a pillar listening to the conversation. "Well, uh - err, Naruto. I-it appears that I was mistaken." said Sasuke  "This mystery maiden of yours does - in fact exist. And - and she is lovely. Congratulations, my dear." he added as he bowed infront of the blonde "Thank You, you may call me Shion" the blonde smiled "We wish to be married as soon as possible" Naruto declared "Oh, yes - of course, Naruto, but, er - but these things do take time, you know. . . ." Sasuke pondered "This afternoon, Sasuke. The wedding ship departs at sunset." the prince said "Oh, oh - very well Naruto" Sasuke rose an eyebrow "as you wish." Hinata couldn't bare to see what was happening she ran back towards her room crying, Shion looked at her shell necklace with and evil smirk.

     It was late afternoon and the wedding ship starts to leave

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     It was late afternoon and the wedding ship starts to leave. As the prince and the witch began to depart on the boat, a heart broken Hinata sat on the pier crying bitterly as Neji and Kona look on. Meanwhile on the wedding ship, Kakashi was flying and humming to himself until he heard the the bride singing in her room. He decided to investigate by getting closer to the boat's window.

"What a lovely little bride I'll make, my dear I'll look divine

Things are working out according to my ultimate design

Soon I'll have that little mermaid and the ocean will be mine!" Shion sang

     As the bride looked into the mirror, an image of Kaguya appeared. "The sea witch! Oh no . . . She's-I gotta. . ." Kakashi gasped in horror, he flies back to the pier to find Hinata. "Hinata!" he yelled as he found the sad girl"Hinata! Hinata. I was I was flying, I wa - of course I was flying" he chuckled. Neji looking annoyed "An' - I s- Isaw that the watch - the witch was watchin' a mirror, and she was singin' with a stolen set o' pipes! Do you hear what I'm tellin' you? THE PRINCE IS MARRYING THE SEA WITCH IN DISGUISE!" he declared. Hinata was in shock that the sea witch used her voice to get Naruto. "Are you sure about this?" Neji asked "Have I ever been wrong? I mean when it's important!" Kakashi shouted "What are we gonna do!?" Sakura panicked Hinata then hears Kaguya's voice in her head as the sun drops. " . . . Before the sun sets on the third day. . . ." Hinata then jumps into the water, but she can't swim well without her tail.  Neji sends down some barrels. "Hinata, grab on to that, Konahamaru, get her to that boat as fast as your fins can carry you!" he instructed "I'll try." Kona nodded and carried Hinata to the boat. "I've gotta get to the sea king. He must know about this." Neji jumped into the water "What - What about me? What about ME?" Kakashi asks "You - find a way to STALL THAT WEDDING!" Neji ordered  "Aye Aye Captain!" the seagull saluted and took off towards the lagoon, "Stall the wedding. Wh- what am I - what - that's it!" he said to himself "he squawks to rally the animals "Move it, let's go, we got an emergency here!" he shouted, the animals looked at each other.

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