y/n: ok

Ricco took out a box and some cupcakes 

Alex: open the gift are gifts

You open the gift it was necklace and some earrings and more 

y/n: I love it thank you💚

Alex whisper to your ear 

Alex: that not all of it when you come to my house 😉

y/n: oo dady

Carlos: well let eat the damn cupcakes

Everyone was eating and y'all were taking and laughing and Peyton look at Carlos and said 

Peyton: the some cream on your mouth

Carlos: really were?

Peyton: went to Carlos and Carlos kiss Peyton

Diego: woah

Ricco: fast and loaded

Alex: 😂

y/n: get it Peyton

Carlos: I'm so sorry

Peyton: you don't need to it was great!

Carlos: r.. really

Taylor: ok we get it

Christopher: someone here is jealous

Jesse: guys...

y/n: Jesse wait

Carlos: what's going on

Jesse: guys I'm gay

Alex: woah really

Taylor: dang good job for being confident about it

Jesse: thank you

Peyton: well I guess we should to class 

Alex: ya 

Alex give you a kiss and left to the other side of the school to his class and you were walking with Carlos 

Carlos: hey 

y/n: hey you like Peyton?

Carlos: yes she so fuckin hot

y/n: ask her out

Carlos: she doesn't like me

y/n: I live with the she told me she like you 

Carlos: really I will ask her out

You guys were walking and you felt someone touch your ass and you turn around it was Alex

y/n: Alex go to class

Alex🌴: ahaha sorry I just can't wait

y/n: aww me to❤️

You went to class 

Home time

Alex: ready to go

y/n: yes but..

Alex: what but

y/n: my dad said I have to go home for a surprise and who gonna be with Peyton

Carlos: I will go with her😉

y/n: ok it's settled 

You text your dad you gonna come around 8:30 cause your friend had a surprise for you

You left in Alex car and Peyton left in Carlos car

Alex house

Alex🌴: so wanna order something

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