"It's a sweet knife", I reason causing him to shake his head from my peripheral view before he agrees "It is a sweet knife indeed".

"I knew you would agree. I least me and Bob had good taste in knife, pity he's such a dick head".

"You knew him?" Levi asks in a serious tone.

"It's a long story", I tell him. I hear him grunt of in pain again.

"Shit no hospitals? Levi what should I do? Youre losing a lot of blood", I ask him again. Good thing blood doesn't freak me out.

Getting no answers from Levi. I then decide to bring him to my apartment that is nearby. Good thing I had watch some videos on how to remove a bullet and stitch up a wound. I think I have everything in my First Aid Kit.

Levi had gone quiet by the time we reach my apartment. Parking my car, I went to Levis side, "WAKE UP", I shake him but got no response, "Fuck" I curse. I slap his cheek "WAKE UP", I said louder causing him to snap his eye open.

Levi glared at me "No need to beat me up too", he then laughs at his own joke.

"You fucking had me scared for a second when I had tried to wake you, but you weren't moving", I tell him.

I struggle to get him out of my car and into my apartment on the second floor of the building. There is no elevator, so we had to walk up the stairs as I balance us both. I am so tired.

Getting the door open was a fight balancing Levi with one hand to keep him from falling and the other hand to open the door which had three locks. We didn't see anyone on our way up, Thank God.

I don't know how I would explain this.

Sitting Levi on the settee I turn on the light and run into the bathroom for the First Aid Kit. Rushing back to Levi with it in hand.

"Hey", I called getting his attention. His eyes seemed unfocused.

"Levi, I am going to cut you out of this shirt", I warned him before using the scissors to do so.

I hear Levi grunt out "You shouldn't have brought me here".

I ignore him and continue what I was doing. I pulled his shirt apart and remove the sweater from the wound. Levi grab my hands and ask, "You know what you're doing?"

"Yes, I watch some videos on this", I told him. Looking up at him I find him looking at me disbelieving.

"I should do it instead", he says.

"No, I know what I am doing, and we don't have time to argue who does it. If you haven't notice you're the one bleeding out", that shut him up.

"This is going to hurt", I warn him before poor alcohol on the wound to sterilized it causing him to tense and grab on to the sofa handle hissing in pain.

"Sorry", I tell him then grab the pliers the only thing I found to remove the bullet and poor alcohol on it then I tell Levi "Brace yourself". Before digging into the wound to retrieve the bullet. Levi hissed and grunt in pain.

Soon the tip of the pliers met the bullet. I then use it to extract the bullet. Pulling it out I felt sorry for Levi as he clenches his jaw in pain. Placing the bullet on the table with the pliers. I grab the needle and thread, trying to string the thread through the needle.

"Ozaria", Levi calls grabbing my trembling hand. I hadn't even realized they were shaking. "You are a strong girl, DON,T PANIC. I will never hurt you", Levi tells me urgently.

I look up confused to find his eye pleading with me to do has he ask. "Why? I am almost done. Let me stitch you up", I tell him.

"Just remember don't panic. I will never hurt you", he says in the same urgent voice.

I am confused as hell.

'Why shouldnt I panic? Why should I remember he will never hurt me?'

Although I am confused I nob anyway. Soon after my ears catch the painful noises of bone cracking. I scramble away from Levi seeing his body began shifting.

'What the fuck is happening', replayed in my mind.

My eyes bulge out of their socket and my mouth hanging open in disbelieve, no sounds came out.

Levi's bone keeps cracking, reshaping. I hear him growl. Fucking growl.

Seconds felt like hours and it had just been a minute since his skeleton started moving.

'This is NOT happening. My mind must be playing tricks on me. There is NO cracking bones of a man in my living room', but the sounds confirm it was real. There is a man in my living room, bones breaking and readjusting into a creature of the night.

'Shit, this is happening!'

The deadly growl from deep within the beast chest chills me to the bone.

A scream erupt from my throat.

A piecing scream.


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