Chapter 9: The Killer

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I woke up to a weird feeling. Something definitely was not right. I looked over my shoulder and saw a very peaceful Charlotte. She was asleep, and the sight of her calm, made me smile. On the other hand, Octavia was gone. I didn't really care that she left, considerably the fact that she can take care of herself, and also the fact that Bellamy has an eye on her, at ALL times.

I left my tent to go and summon the other hunters. We were running low on food. I went to each tent and woke them up. When I came to Murphy's, I hesitated for a bit. I thought that maybe he didn't have to hunt today. I could do without him. I started to walk away, when something made me change my mind. 'We could use all the people we can get Layla' I thought. 'Don't be selfish. One less person, mean less meat, which means starving people. After all, he apologized for what he did, and he promised to keep his distance.'

I dragged myself into his tent, but regretted my decision pretty quickly.

"OH MY GOSH, I'M SO SORRY" I turned around.

"OH GOD!" The half-naked girl in his tent shrieked.

"LAYLA!? Umm...This isn't what it seems like..." Murphy started.

"Dude, it's alright. Seriously! Sorry, I shouldn't have walked in. I's just...I was gathering up the hunting group to go search for food" I still had my back towards them.

"Okay, I just need a sec" he said. I could hear both of them scrambling for their clothes. "Okay, let's go"

"WAIT!" the girl called after him. "Aren't you going to at least say goodbye?" she sounded furious.

"Why should I? It's not like we actually did anything..." he turned back around to say to her.

"THE HELL!? UM EXCUSE ME...YOU JUST TOLD ME EARLIER THAT YOU WANT ME TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" She screamed at him. Dang, this girl was feisty. At least it's good to know that he has moved on from me. Maybe it's not that bad of an idea that I walked in on them, as weird as that sounds.

"I was kidding" out flat he said.

Holy crap! Did he just...oh hell no! He did not just make out with that girl, call her his girlfriend, probably do some other stuff that I DON'T want to think about, and then just drop her to go hunt? The hell? Last time I checked, he didn't really give a crap about the people here. Half the time, he would say no to go hunting. PLEASE TELL ME HE DIDN'T JUST DUMP HER FOR ME? PLEASE GOD, PLEASE!

The girl stormed out of his tent. She raised her middle finger at him, and then at me (why, oh why?). Murphy laughed at this, while I started to mentally freak out. This boy wasn't going to leave me alone, was he?


After I had gathered everyone, I told them to get into their previous groups, from the day before. That annoying kid that had made me angry the day I tested everyone's skills, shouted out something.

"What do you want now?" I said with an annoyed expression.

"We're missing Wells" he said.

"Oh...Have you seen him at all today?" I asked.

"No" he said. I asked everyone else, and they all said the same thing. I went Wells's tent, and surely he wasn't there. Most people were relieved. They all believed that he either ran away, or someone killed him. It's most likely someone did, considering the fact that his father is Jaha.

Honestly, even though I hate Jaha's guts for putting me through hell, I didn't hate Wells. It wasn't his fault that his father just so happens to be Jaha, and it's not like Wells did anything to me, so why should I hate him?

I figured this was a job for Bellamy to handle. I quickly found Bellamy talking to someone and told him everything. He said he was on it, and that he would get a few people to find out what's going on. I went back to my group and we set out.

When we came back after about six hours. We had found a decent amount of food. I was quite proud of my group, and myself. I had a smile on my face, until I took one look at Bellamy's. He seemed very stressed. I walked over to him.

"Hey Bell, you okay?" I asked softly.

"I need to talk to you" he grabbed my hand and we walked over to his tent.

"What? What's going on?" I asked him. There were two other people in the tent, with stern faces.

"We found Wells..." Bell said looking down.

"Let me guess, he's dead?" It was pretty obvious.

"Yeah, but someone killed him" a girl, who I believed her name was Raven said.

"Do we know who?" I asked. That's when Raven handed me the knife. I examined it, and found two initials engraved. "JM" was what it said.

"Who's JM?" I asked.

"John Murphy" Bell said. He had this look in his eyes, which made me want to melt inside.

"Oh God" I slapped a hand on my forehead, in shock. After a few seconds of silence, Bell spoke.

"I'm gonna kill him" Bell stormed out. We all stood still. We were about to witness an execution.

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