Chapter 7: Octavia's Curiosity

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Three days had passed since I had told Bell about my mother. I laid in my empty tent, just thinking about the the week’s events. Man, this week has surely been crazy. I wouldn’t say it’s been my most ever craziest week though. I’ve dealt with a lot more than this. Right when I closed my eyes, I heard someone enter my tent. I shot up and found Octavia.

“What are you doing here?” I asked, my voice sharper than I expected.

“Well, hello to you too. I was wondering if I could sleep here tonight?” she said sarcastically.

“Why?” it seemed very peculiar that the girl whose brother that I have grown a strong friendship with, suddenly wants to sleep in my tent.

“It’s Layla right?” I nodded. “Okay, well Layla, I may or may not have gotten into an argument with my tent-mates. I’ve noticed that you and my brother have been hanging out a lot. Not to mention that he has also seemed to take an extra liking of you. It’s something I’ve never seen my brother do before, so I figured, you were a pretty safe bet. If you out of all the people in the world, can get my brother to like you, then clearly you’re something special.”

“Wow...Geez, you’re hella observant, aren’t you?” I rubbed the back of my neck. The way she just explained her brother’s actions towards me, made it seem like I’m someone very special.

“So does that mean I can stay?” the pleading look on her face, was too hard to say no to.

“Sure” I gave her a small smile.

“Awesome! Oh by the way, I’m Octavia. I’m pretty sure you already knew that, but I thought I would tell you, incase you didn’t know” there was a few seconds of silence. “So…do you like my brother?” she smirked. Her brother and her have the exact same smirk.

“I’m not really the type who shares my personal feelings to strangers” I said tiredly.

“I’ll take that as a yes then” she said.

“I didn’t say yes or no, but I guess you can think whatever you want, as long as it helps you sleep at night” I closed my eyes to go to sleep.

“If it was a no, you would have just told me when I first asked you. You wouldn’t have cared that I asked. If you’re scared to tell me that you like my brother, then don’t be. I’ve kept an eye on you, and I actually quite seem to like you”

“I’m not scared. I just don’t think it’s any of your business. I know that you’re his sister and all, but he also has a personal life” I hoped that I wasn’t too harsh.

“That doesn’t seem to stop my brother from meddling with mine. Plus, you shouldn’t be one to talk. It’s not like you’ve had a sibling before, so you wouldn’t understand my curiosity and concern. Anyways, goodnight” she turned her back towards me.

“I do understand…I had a younger brother before” I sighed.

“You had? What happened?” her green eyes lit up with curiosity.

“I don’t want to talk about it” she pouted. “Don’t take it offence. I’ve never told anyone before about what happened. It’s something I don’t like to talk about. Again, it’s personal” she nodded understanding.

“That’s fine. I can see why my brother likes you so much. You two have very similar lives” she smiled.

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that” I sighed once more and went to sleep.

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