Chapter Five - Haddie

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"What the hell Haddie?!" I hear my mother yell from out in the living room. What now? I closed the book I was reading, and walked down the hallway, slowly, so that I had time to think of what I had done wrong. As I got to the end of the hallway, I peeked around the corner, and there my mom was, sitting in the chair she always sits in, watching the same tv show she always watches; Law and Order.

"Yes mom?" I asked, speaking quietly, I knew I was going to get yelled at.

"Why aren't you started on dinner? It's already five, the kids come home at five thirty, make something now." She said, not taking her eyes off the tv. They were always practically glued to it. I always did the mother's job, since I was little. I'm use to this by now. I opened the freezer trying to figure out what I would make so quickly for dinner. As always, when mom went shopping, she didn't buy anything to cook, she always just buys TV dinners. I finally figured out what to make, and started on it. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, and immediately looked to see who it was since no one really ever texts me. It was Christian, he friended me, the guy who was looking at Ava, which I was stupid enough to think he was looking at me at breakfast this morning, and who was talking to Amber. Was he just mocking me?

He friended me on Facebook, I opened the notification and accepted it.

Wrong person?

I guess he added the wrong Haddie or something. There's no way he'd wanna talk to me, after all, I'm a freshman and he's a junior, and why would he want me when he has Ava. They are so cute together, even if they aren't, and everyone loves them. Maybe I'm looking at this all wrong, maybe he just wants to be friends. But with me? Why?

My phone vibrates.

Chris - Nope, I was looking for the one and only Haddie Andrews.

Why was he wanting to talk to me?

I'm sure I'm not the only Haddie Andrews, but, what's up?

I don't know why he wants to talk to me. Honestly, I'm kind of nervous texting him, I read what I typed at least six times before sending it.

I just wanted to see how you were doing! How are you? I also noticed you were upset earlier, was it because of what Amber was doing to you?

Is he talking about when she was cutting me off? Why is he noticing it? Why does he seem to care so much? It's like he answers one question, and three more pop up.

When she was cutting me off?


Oh, no, that didn't upset me. I'm use to that by now anyways, not that big of a deal.

Why did I say that! I'm so dumb!

I was just checking, I didn't really like what she was doing to you.

Was he just trying to trick me? Why was he so interested in me?

What makes me any different than Amber?

After I sent that message, I put my phone back in my back pocket. I was so scared of what the reply from Chris would be. Perfect timing, actually, because as I put my phone in my pocket, I heard my mom yell, "Haddie! What the hell is going on in there? I can hear the shit boiling over. It's my kids' dinner! So you better not be burning it!"

I rolled my eyes, I'm her kid too. But she seems to care more about everyone else than me. I don't know if this is normal in families, but if it is, no ones family shows it better than mine. Even in public places my mom treats me like crap, and even when strangers notice it and confront her she still doesn't see what she is doing is wrong.

I finished up the dinner, and set the kids' plates on the table. I made my mom her plate, and took it to her, with her class of iced tea with a lemon in it, as usual. I made me a small plate, and sat down at the table and waited for the kids to come in.

Once the kids came in the house, I asked them what drink they wanted, if they wanted milk, juice, or tea. As always, they all answered with tea, which I wasn't allowed to have, and I poured me a glass of apple juice. I sat at the table and made small conversation talk with my sisters. Asking them how school went, and who they were playing with outside. I only got half-assed answers, answers you get from kids when they don't want to talk, like "Good" or, "Same as yesterday".

The kids finished up their dinner, and grabbed their homework as I told them. We have a routine, everyday after dinner we sit at the dinner table and all the kids do their homework. Everyday is the same. Allie doesn't cooperate and gives me hard times to do the work. Cassie ends up finishing her work with no help, and Bella needs help with every problem.

After doing homework, I sent the kids to the shower. First Bella and Cassie take a shower, one in each bathroom. Then, after the water warms back up Allie takes a show and the kids all go to sleep. Just like homework time, bedtime is hell. Allie is always on the phone which keeps Bella awake, and when Bella is tired she gets bitchy, and a bitchy Bella is the worst Bella. Cassie lays down with no problem, but always falls asleep with her Jake Paul videos on, so Allie yells and wakes her up to turn them off, instead of getting out of bed and turning it off herself. But, today was different. Every kid laid down and cooperated.

All the kids were in bed, and it's finally time for me to do my homework. Of course, I have way much more homework than them. I set my textbook on my sisters desk, and grabbed my notebook from my bag. I put my headphones in my phone, and when I unlocked the screen all I seen was Chris' reply.

There are a lot of things that make you different from Amber, Haddie. Not just Amber, but from anyone else, but that's for another time.

I read this, and my heart sank. Reading that message felt like a dream, and honestly, I had no clue what to say to him.

Thank you, I think. I'm not really sure what to say honestly.

Right after I sent this, I immediately regretted it. I sounded so retarded and I just wanted it to be over with. I'm sure he's just saying those things to make me feel better about him not being interested.

He replied. But, I was too afraid to even glance at the screen. I just finished my homework and took a shower. I set my alarms and went to bed. I'll just deal with this mess, whatever it is, tomorrow.

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