Chapter Two - Christian

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My alarm goes off, across the room. It is the moment I have haunted for months, the first day of my junior year, and time to wake up at that, the worst part. I turned off the alarm and grabbed my clothes for a shower which was much needed to wake me up, acting as my coffee. It was six o'clock in the morning when I got in the shower, and when I got out it was six-thirty. I got out, got dressed and ran downstairs to brush my teeth in the downstairs bathroom and after got my socks and shoes on. I waited in the living room sitting on the couch, and watching Smallville. When it was time to leave, I grabbed my keys and went to my truck to go to school. This was the best and worst part, because when I drive it gives me time to think, but it was also the worst part because I'm basically turning myself in for the next nine months.

I got to school, and looked around for Ava, who has been my best friend since freshman year. I spotted her over in the corner of the cafeteria talking to some guy, with her back turned to me. I saw this as an opportunity to scare the living shit out of her. I walked up to her and snatched the one earbud that she had in her left ear, this making her turn around and punch me in the shoulder.

"Ouch! Ava, why would you do such a thing to hurt me?" I playfully joked and smiled at her, which I know she cannot resist.

"Oh my god Christian! Don't fucking do that to me I was about to hurt you!" She said to me, her face now red with embarrassment.

"About to hurt me? You already did!" I replied, acting offended and holding my arm where she had punched me.

"Yeah, well you shouldn't have done that!" She smiled and started to rub where she had punched me.

"Well, maybe if you wouldn't have given me the golden opportunity do to such a thing, I wouldn't have." I played, I smiled as I watched her smile creep up. She was trying to be mad at me, which I know is impossible for her, "who's this?" I asked pointing to the guy she was talking to.

"Oh, my bad. Christian, this is Anthony, he's new here and I seen him standing alone, so I came over to him and now we're friends!" She smiled at me, probably waiting for the compliment she knew I would give.

"You're such a nice person, Ava!" I smiled, "But not nicer than me!" I joked, making her blush.

She was trying to come up with a smart comeback, but she couldn't, and I left her speechless, once again.

"I somehow always seem to leave you speechless, love. I love it." I smiled, and then the bell rang.

I walked down the hallway, towards the stairs. All I seen were freshman, everywhere. This is the most freshman I've seen in a class. They were like little ants, the guys where playing around and pushing each other, while all you heard from the girls were the shriek of excitement to see one another, little did they know how much drama they would cause each other.

I headed to my locker, F2091, and put my stuff in it. Once I had everything in my locker besides my iPad, I went to my first period class,  American government.

School went by pretty fast. At lunch, I sat with Ava and Anthony, and a few others. Nothing really happened all day besides meeting Anthony and talking to Ava. But when it was time to go home, I kind of didn't want to go. Glad I had had practice. When the final bell rang, I went to my locker, grabbed my bag and stuffed all the syllabus's I had gotten today and my iPad in it. I grabbed my keys from around my neck on my lanyard, and started to swing them around. I got down to my car and drove over to the practice field on the other side of the building. First after school practice, in the hot, Ohio heat. I looked around for Dustin, my other best friend, and I knew exactly where he'd be; with the rest of my friends. I walked over to Dustin, and everyone else and started to get changed into my practice clothes. Sure enough, right after I had put on my shorts, someone smacked me right on the ass, as hard as they could.

"Who the fuck?" I said, not realizing the environment I was in and with the group of people. The person who slapped my ass, Lucas, looked at me sternly, and so did my coach.

"Drop and give me 150, now, Phillips."

I did what I was told to do, and ran my warm up laps, and did my warmup stretches on the field, and then it was time to practice.

After practice, I drove home, and all I could think about was Ava. We have liked each-other since last year, our sophomore year. But, I'm hesitant to ask her out, I just feel like it would ruin us, it would be different. I walked in my house, and was greeted by the smell of tacos, and the ambush of my little sister, Adele, who had just turned three.

"Chris is home mommy!!" She yelled over to my stepmom, who had just came out of the computer room seeing who had just walked in the door.

"Great! Your dinner is in the oven, it shouldn't be cold because we just ate. Sorry we ate without you, you were just taking too long and Adele was being bad, I just wanted it over with."

"Oh, it's fine! I'll just eat and then take a shower, also, here is the syllabus' you or dad has to sign." I gave her the papers and went to go eat, and after, took my shower.

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