Chapter Three- Haddie

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I wake up in the middle of the night to hear fighting. It's my mom and dad, and they've been fighting a lot lately. It's normal for couples to fight- but not constantly. The way things are going I have a feeling they're going to be getting divorced soon, but, I hope not. I love my parents, as most teenagers do, and I'd never want them to split up; I just want the fighting to end.

I roll over and check to see what time it was; 4:36am. What am I going to do now? I have school at seven, and there's no way im sleeping now, who knows how long they'll be fighting for anyways.

To pass time I took out my phone and rolled over onto my left side. I scrolled through Facebook, then Instagram and even watched a few Snapchat stories. Still, they're fighting. At this point I'm starting to think of going out into the living room, and asking them to stop. How could they be so selfish? They have four kids sleeping, and one now awake because of them fighting.

I ended up taking out my headphones and listening to music, drowning them out. Hopefully no one else wakes up. The next thing I know, it's time to be at school.

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