Chapter Twenty One: Hauling His Drunk Ass to Boston

Start from the beginning

With a forceful push, I thrust Christian to the backseat too, and I get into the car myself. I back out of the driveway, and switch gears.

'I got it! It's Drink and Drive.'


'Drunk Driver?'


'Uh, Drink Driver?'


'Man,' Jared drawls. 'You are so stupid when you are drunk. DD stands for Donald Duck.'

I bite my lip.

Christian is silent, contemplating. 'You sure, bro?'

'Positive. Who's the American, here?'

'Okay. The answer is option A Donald Duck.'


'Oh, shit.'

I pull up into the parking lot, and pull the two idiots out.

I half-drag, half-carry the two chunks of meat to their room. I prop Jared against the wall as I fumble for the right key. Christian buries his nose into my neck.

He's distracting me, wtf. Stop doing that. Don't. Oh, god. Shit.

I click the door open and pick Jared back up.

'You smell good.' Christian nestles further into my neck. 'Like miele.'

I let go of both of them once I'm inside. Jared drops to the floor, deadweight, though Christian stands, swaying slightly on his feet.

'Ha, lightweight.'

I sigh deeply. I bend over and pull Jared up by the collar, drag him across the floor and push him up onto his bed, until his upper body is spayed over the mattress and his legs dangle outside.

Christian wolf-whistles; a sound that goes whit-whoo. 'That was hot as hell.'

I roll my eyes and make it to the door when Christian grabs me by the arm. 'Where are you going?'

'To my room, duh.'

Christian eyes flash mischievously. I think it's the alcohol.

'Let's go for a drive.'

I cross my arms across my chest. 'Christian, you are drunk. Sleep it off.'

Christian pouts. It's cute.

'Oh come on. Let's go around New York City. Please?'

I find myself wavering. I look into his green, green eyes and find them sparkling with a kind of wildness. My eyes trail over his shirtless self – I left his shirt back in Jared's car.

'I don't want you to throw up in my car.'

'We'll go in his.' Christian points to an unconscious Jared.

'Hey man, is there a problem if we take your car out for a drive?'

No response.

'See? No problem.' He grabs my hand and pulls me out. 'New York, here we come.'


'I am the King of the World!'

'You are going to fall out of the window and bang your head on the concrete if you don't sit inside the car.'

Christian leans back in promptly, before standing up and sticking himself up the moon roof. He spreads his arms to the sides.

'I am the King of the World!'

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