"Who's Mr. Wang?" Jinyoung asks.

"My boss." I chirp.

"Please don't tell me he's the guy I bumped into earlier with the suit on."

"He was wearing a suit today. A black one." I remember.


"Jinyoung, calm your biscuits." I chuckle at my friend's over dramatic reactions.

"I'm sorry. Usually you do all the screaming but now that your all broken you can't anymore."

"Broken?" I burst out laughing.

Jinyoung said I'm broken! That's so funny!

"Mark stop! You're gonna hurt yourself!" Jinyoung pleads as I laugh my heart out.

"Now your nose is bleeding! Oh my goodness!" Jinyoung scrambles to grab tissues.

I'm in so much pain after that laugh: totally worth it.

Jinyoung pouts and lectures me about laughing. I love how caring he is.

There's also someone else who's really caring. Mr. Wang earlier..he looked upset when I called him my friend. Does he not want to be friends? Did I do something wrong?

"Hey Jinyoungie." I interrupt Jinyoung's speech.

"I was giving you a very important talk about tak-"

"What does love mean?" I interrupt again.

"What? What do you mean?"

"What's love? Someone asked me what it meant and I feel like I didn't give him the right answer." I reminisce about this morning's conversation.

"Is this between you and Mr. Handsome?" Jinyoung smirks.

"Mr. Wang." I correct him.

"Ohh yes Mark. I've waited for this moment for years." Jinyoung smiles brightly.

"Alright, my innocent bean, love comes in many different ways."

"How? Isn't there only one type of love?"

"No. You can love someone in a friendly way or a romantic way." Jinyoung explains.

"What's romantic? I thought that was a genre of movies?" I frown in confusion.

"Wow. Wow. Romance is a genre of movies, romantic is an adjective that expresses love."

"Ohhhh." I learned something new!

But wait...does that mean...Mr. Wang likes me in a romantic way?

"Judging from your expression, I think the gears in your head have clicked!" Jinyoung smiles proudly.

Does he like me like that? Do I like him like that?

"How do you know if you like someone romantically?"

"Love is an action not a feeling. You do the act of loving. Supporting them, you think of their interests not yours, you care and take care of them, you accept them for who they are and vise versa." Jinyoung begins his rant.

"You know it's love when you seek to understand before being understood. Listen and honor what they share, and you don't double down with your own issues. You're like a team; you listen, you compromise, you apologize, you forgive. Oops! I went on a rant. Sorry." Jinyoung clears his throat once he finishes.

"No...thank you for your rant." I shift my head to it's normal position, facing the ceiling.

I support Mr. Wang, I even got hit by a truck for him. And he supports me, Dr. Kim said Mr. Wang drove here everyday just to see me.

Mr. Wang understands me and my morals. I understand that he doesn't show much emotions and that he has a bad past.

He listens to me, I listen to him. When Jinyoung moved and Tammy abandoned me, Mr. Wang was there. He even offered to let me live with him. And whenever I do something bad, I apologize and Mr. Wang forgives.

I gasp.

"Has the gears clicked ultimately?" Jinyoung beams once he sees my expression.

"I love him, Jinyoung."

"Yes baby! You do!" Jinyoung claps.

"He loves me"

"Amen! Praise the Lord!"

Oh my goodness. This is what Mai, the nurse, and Mrs. Wang has been saying.


"Yes hun?"

"I love him...romantically." I smile.

"Yes Mark. Yes!"

Hehehe. Ya'll thought it was a real confession(: but at least Mark knows how he feels now!
Will Mark tell Jackson how he truly feels?

Sorry for the late update. Still quite sick. 10 months with a sore throat and killer chest pains:') and school is a salty fish. But, I'll make it up with a double update((:

Happy 20k! Thanks for the love everyone. It really means a lot(:

Thanks for reading!

Yes Master: A Markson Fanfic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt