day 12

25 2 0

Emily sleeps in

Liyah Emily

Emily what

Liyah u need to wake up

Emily gets up

Liyah oh only Emily would sleep in Luke's sweatshirt.

Emily smiles

Liyah u miss him don't u

Emily, I do actually

Liyah aww

Emily, he didn't see my belly either

Liyah haha ya he did

Emily wait when

Liyah he saw yesterday when he came in the bathroom to talk he d9nt sat anything but he saw. Here's ur ring

Emily thanks puts it on

Kids in a cute voice where's luke

Emily, he left to do shows

Kids ok

Emily, I want to sleep but I need to get up

Liyah well maybe u shouldn't look outside it's summer maybe pm one is back

Cal whispers she's not feeling good

Emily puts her hair up and goes for a walk

Liyah texts Luke she's taking a walk I'll send her to ur room later

Luke ok is she ok

Liyah yea just pregnancy hormones hitting

Luke ok

1 hour later

Emily Liyah is luke back he left 8 months ago

Liyah maybe go look at room 124

Emily I know he is cuz I heard cal

Liyah giggles go look

Emily takes her siblings

Ethan giggles

Emily ok guys we are in room 124 knocks

Lukes on the shower

Emily knocks

Ash opens it comes in

Emily thank u ash

Kids hide behind Emily

Emily goes in

Molly spits up

Emily wipes it off.

Liyah hugs call

Luke gets out an hour later

Emily gets the kids to nap

Ash smiles I see u have a bump Emily

Emily ya

Luke comes out.

Emily looks up

Luke hey Emily

Emily hey!! Luke hugs him

Luke smiles

Ash sleeps

Michael sleeps

Luke so how are ya

Emily good

Sierra texts Luke

Thanks for getting me pregnant

Luke texts back

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