day 7

21 3 0

Luke texts Emily how's molly

Emily um she's ok sleeping right now

Luke aww the kids and I will bring dinner to u tonight

Emily ok

Molly cries

Doctors come in Mrs. Morse

Emily holds molly yes

Dr molly is getting worse we need to run tests

Emily ok

Doc we will run tests all day and possibly all night

Emily wow ok. I have to head to school I'll be back at 4 pm if there's anything u call plz

Docs ok

At school

Luke where's Emily

Liyah she's coming to give her time

Cal happy birthday Liyah gives her roses and kisses her

Liyah thank u love

Emily walks in hey

Luke hey so can I have an update on molly plz

Emily ya she's getting worse she has to have tests all-day

All look at Emily wow

Liyah Emily do u need a break and a night at home cuz cal and I can stay with molly

Emily thank u Liyah I'll remember that

Luke hey Emily uhm all ur siblings miss u

Emily, I miss them also

Luke what do u want us to bring tonight to eat Emily

Emily can u bring burgers and fries

Luke yes

At the hospital

Doctor Mrs. Morse we looked at molly has she been around drugs in the past year

Emily my parents did drive that's y I'm living in a good home with the kids

Doc good but unfortunately from the smoke, her lungs are failing she's on the list to get new ones

Emily cries don't let molly die ok if u do it will hurt me more then u think

Doc we will try our best

Luke overhears

Liyah poor Emily

Zoey Mr tall dude is molly ok

Luke giggles she's sick but keep the hope in ur precious heart and I'm sure she will be

Luke walks in hey Emily

Emily wipes her eyes hey

Kids Emily runs up and hugs her

Emily hey

Luke here's ur food

Emily thank u so much.

Liyah so how's molly Emily

Emily well thanks to my parents her lungs are bad

Liyah oh geez will she make it at least

Emily l kids stay with luke puts molly in her bed Liyah come with me

Liyah ok

Emily the doctor said they will try there best but idk if she'll make it

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