[chapter 12]

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beep beep beep
beep beep beep

I woke up to the sound of beeping and a guys face staring at me.
He seemed happy.
"She's awake! She awake!", the male voice exclaimed.

"Y/n, Ive missed you so so much.", he said.

"Who- who are you?", i ask.

"I'm tyler.. Tyler Joseph. Do you remember me?", he asked in a hurt tone.

"Umm I don't. I'm sorry.", I said.

He frowned.

"what happened to me?", I asked.

"You got hit by a car. The person driving had assaulted you before the accident. I was there the whole time. We kissed, not that it matters. You don't remember me. Umm, you've been in a coma for 21 days.", Tyler said.

I gasped.

"Tyler, I'm sorry I don't remember you. I'm so so sorry.", I said.

"You've been in a coma for 21 days and that's what you're thinking about. That's cute.", Tyler said.

I smiled

"The man... they caught him?", I asked.
"Yup. He's in jail now too. I had to testify and everything.", he said.
"I'm sorry this had to happen.", I said.

"It's okay.", he assured, petting my head.

I jumped.

His eyes widened.

"Sorry, I just-"

"I understand.", he said.

"So when can I leave?", I asked.

"Today, I guess, they just have to make sure you're healthy.", he said.

I smiled.


Once we got out of the hospital, we started walking.

"So where do I live?", I asked.

"Well, I'll tell you tomorrow. We're going to my house.", he said.

"Tyler?", I asked.


"Was I always this ugly?", I asked.

"No! You were never ugly and you still are beautiful!", Tyler said.

"No, My face is all like I dunno I look like jack skeleton.", I said.

"So you remember jack skeleton?", he asked.

"Yeah that was my favorite movie.", I said.

"By the way, not that it matters, you're always beautiful to me.. but those things in your face are just stitches. They'll be out by next week.", Tyler assured.

I nodded.

We walked into his house, but we didn't stay for long. We went right back outside but he had a ukulele.

"So, I'm in a band called twenty øne pilots.", he said.

"Twenty one? Twenty øne pilots! I remember that! I remember a concert!", I exclaimed.

"Yeah, well I'm the lead singer and we actually met after that concert. We became really close.", he said.

"Wow. I wish I hadn't forgotten.", I said.

"Me too. I was gonna go on tour but I didn't because you got hurt.", he said.

"So you stayed with me? The whole time?", I asked.

"Every day.", he said.

I started to tear up.
I held his hand and look up a little to meet those beautiful eyes he had, they twinkled in the moonlight.


"Tyler!", I exclaimed, "I remember you!"

"Really!?", he asked excitedly

"I do! I was looking at your eyes and my mind just did a little like sksksksksks it's hard to explain but I remember you. I remember how we met. I remember every single minute spent with you leading up to the crash. I remember all of it!", I said happily.

Tyler pulled me into a hug.
"I'm so happy.", he said.
"Me too.", I replied.
He kissed my forehead. This time, I didn't pull away.

The rest of the night Tyler played songs for me. I really like his songs.


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