[chapter 2]

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(your pov)

After a car ride of almost no conversation, he finally stops the car at a street-- a street that is not the street I live on.

He gets out of the car and goes to my side to open thecar door.

"Thanks.", I said as i get out of the car.

"Of course.", he replied with a warm smile.

He took out some keys and opened the door, allowing me to walk in first. I was slightly confused.

Tyler saw the confusion on my face.

"Sorry, I just assumed you would want to stay over at my place tonight for some company. I can drive you back to your house though, if you want.", he apologizes.

"Oh, no I'm fine here. Thank you for driving me here, I appreciate it.", I said.

"You don't have to thank me... now, do you want the couch or the bed?", he asked.

"I'm good on the couch.", I shrug.

"Nah, I don't think you are.", Tyler says as he places a pillow on the bed.

I smile and say, "I'll be fine on the couch, really."

Tyler lay down on the couch.

"Oh no! I guess you can't sleep on the couch now. Gosh darn it!", he says, trying to hold in a laugh.

Aww he's so cute

I start laughing, "haha very funny."

I got ready for bed and walked out of the bathroom.

Tyler looked me up and down and said, "you're gonna need a shirt to sleep in."

He quickly took his shirt off and threw it to me, causing to me laugh.

"What?", he asked in a higher pitched voice than usual.

"It's just... you threw your shirt at me... and now you're shirtless.", i said, still laughing.

I could tell he was embarrassed but he tried covering it up by saying, "Well, that is one of the perks of being a dude, you can have a shirt on but you don't necessarily need to have a shirt on."

I smiled big and shook my head.

"Well... put it on!", he exclaimed.

I walked back into the bathroom and put on his shirt, then came out to find Tyler singing.

"Why do you fill me up, buttercup baby just to let me down and mess around?"

I silently waited at the doorway between the bedroom and the living room, admiring his voice.

"But then worst of all, you never come baby when you say you will."

"But i love you still"

"I need you, I need you more than anyone darlin'"

He turned around, realizing I was there.

I smile at him and say, "sorry, your voice is just so beautiful. and what was that song? I think i recognize it."

"Build me up buttercup.", he says, fiddling with his hair.

"It's really cute, I mean I really like it. You should sing it more often.", I told him.

Oh god, I just called him cute, I mean I called the song cute. But what if he takes in the wrong way?

He just smiled at me, flashing a bit of his teeth.

"Thank you."

After a few moments of awkward silence he says, "Do you like my shirt? "

"Hell ya i do.", I replied with a smile.

"Good. Umm, its's like 2am, we should go to bed... I mean couch at least for me. I mean you should go to bed, I should go to couch.", he says, rambling on and stuttering every other word.

I laughed and said, "Yeah, don't let the couch bugs bite."

He smiled and then turned the lights off as I hopped into bed.



Somehow, I had completely forgotten about my mom and the whole situation. I felt like there was nothing wrong, though there was. I would just have to wait until morning for everything to backfire for me.

I like Tyler, he's sweet.

And with that thought, I went to sleep.

(A/N: Okay so don't be mad i haven't updated in like four days but its my last week of camp EVER with like my best friends so im kinda emo but no one cares anyway, i switched it from "you" to "i' because i realized no one ever says "you" in x readers so if you like "you" i can switch back.. GOODNIGHT )

moonlight- tyler josephTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon