[chapter 9]

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I woke up with a gasp, someone was touching me.
I turned my head to see tylers adorable face.
He has his arm around me :)
I checked the time... only 2am.
I shortly fell back to sleep.
(:time skip to the next night:)
I was about to leave and go home, but Tyler stopped me, even though we already said our goodbyes.

"y/n.", he said, tapping me on the back.
"Yeah?", I asked.
"I umm I wrote a song, I want you to hear it first. I- I know I write lots of songs but this one is special.", Tyler says.
I smile.
Tyler brings out his ukulele.

"You say things with you mouth, cobwebs and flies come out."
"I hear a second voice behind your tongue somehow"
I smile at the lyrics and listen to him play the song.
When he's done, he smiles and looked at me with wide eyes.
"Did you like it?", he asked.
"It was lovely.", I say.
He laughed a little.
"Good, it was for you.", he said.
"Thank you. I really loved it.", i say, then begin to wrap my arms around tyler, his ukulele included in the hug.

I pull out of the hug.
"That'll be seven dollars.", Tyler says.
I laughed, "so I guess this is goodbye?", I said.
"That's a bit over dramatic considering you're the one who told me we are gonna be friends forever.", Tyler said in a smart ass tone.
"Smartass.", i laugh.
"Excuse me, what did you call me?", Tyler says, yet again... smart ass tone.
"I called you a smart ass.", I say with a small smirk.
"That won't due.", Tyler says.
"Okay I think you won.", I said.
"Won what?", Tyler asked.
"The smart ass contest.", you say with a smirk.
Tyler gasps.
"With that remark, you're the winner."

"Where's my trophy.", I ask.

Tyler takes off his shirt and hands it to me.

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What's thi- why?", I ask.
"It's your trophy... the same shirt you slept in the same night we met.", Tyler smiles, scratching the back of his neck.
"I feel honored. I get your shirt and I song written for me. Wow.", I said with sarcasm but it was the truth.

Tyler giggles

I got a text from my dad.
"We're waiting..."

"I have to go.", I say to Tyler.

"Okay, I'll miss you.", Tyler says.

I visibly rolled my eyes.

"See you tomorrow.", I said as I walked away, leaving Tyler just standing there.

I got into my parents car and we drove home.

"Tyler seems like a really nice boy.", my mom said.

"Yeah, he is.", I said in a giggly tone.

"You like him, don't you.", my mom says.

I do.

"No! Ew! He's just a friend, mom. A really good friend.", i say.

A really good friend. That i happen to like a lot.. not in a friend way, on a love type way- I don't even know what I saying to myself anymore.

"Okay whatever you say.", my mom replies.


I fell asleep with Tyler on my mind.

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