[chapter 10]

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Four month time skip...
Today marks the day it's been exactly four months since Tyler and I met. We had dinner plans tonight at Chipotle, so I was planning making a move I guess. I mean, I would just ask him to be my boyfriend but I should like kiss him first or something, just to see if he's interested. As you can see, I'm really nervous. These past four months have been amazing, a dream come true. I went to Tylers house almost everyday. I got a job at a record shop. Tyler introduced me to his friend, Josh. Tyler did go through a rough spot, though. The two other members of his band quit to go to school, but luckily Tyler found josh, who is now the drummer of twenty øne pilots. Tyler has also been working on lots of new music. It's been a fun four months.

It was 4:03, I put on some jeans and a cute top I had bought last week.
My phone suddenly rung, it was Tyler.
"Be there at 5:30.", he said.
"I will.", I replied.
"Also, I have some news.", he said.
"Okay... is it bad?", I ask.
"No, I will tell you when we get to chipotle.", Tyler said.
"Oh, okay.", I said, a bit worried.
"See you later.", Tyler said.
"Lo- bye.", you say, then quickly end the call.

What could his news be? I hope not anything bad, he sounded unsure.

It was 5:15 and I left my house to go to Chipotle.

Tyler was already there when I arrived.

Once we finished eating I asked, "so, you gonna tell me your news?"

I wanted to make sure I knew what he had to tell me before I just went ahead and kissed him.

"Yeah, uhh, so...", he stuttered.

It was hard seeing him so nervous.

"Tyler?", you said.

"Yeah? Sorry. So, the new album.", he said.

"what about the new album?", you asked.

"I'm going on tour. With josh. For a year and a half."

My smile quickly turned to a frown as my eyes filled with tears and my vision became foggy.
A year and a half?

I could see it in his face, Tyler was almost crying.
"But don't worry though, I'll stop home every few months.", he said.

I want Tyler to be happy, I really do but I can't say goodbye, it's too hard. I don't know what I'm gonna do without him for a year and a half. I couldn't look at him any longer, I can't just have all these feelings for him.

I did what I had to do, I gave him a long hug, then ran out of the restaurant and to an alley behind a large building so he couldn't find me.

A/n: oof. sorry. love u.

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