Chapter 2

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2 weeks later

"Hey, are you okay? You don't look so good." JJ asked Emily.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Emily told JJ even though she felt like death.

"You don't look so well. Or sound well."

"JJ, I'm fine. I promise." Emily assured JJ. But, Emily felt as if she were going to throw up, so she quickly ran to the bathroom. She hunched over a toilet and emptied the contents of her stomach.

"You need to go home, Emily." JJ told her.

"I promise I am fine." Emily said.

"No you're not. Look, I only have to do a few papers and look at a couple of cases. So I will grab that, and then I will take you home. I will also take care of you, and you have no say in it." JJ ordered, and when Emily was done, she walked out of the stall after flushing it and saw JJ standing there with her arms crossed.

"You're serious, aren't you?" Emily asked.

"Damn right I am. Now, lets go to my office so I can get my things. Then we can go to my car and go to your apartment." JJ said as Emily was washing her hands. After Emily was done, they did as JJ said they would do, and eventually they were at Emily's apartment.

"You don't have to be my mother for the day." Emily said.

"But you need someone to watch you in case you need something." JJ told her.

"JJ, I will be fine." Emily said, but JJ wasn't changing her mind about staying with her.

"Lay down on the couch. Do you want some soup?" JJ asked.

"I don't have any soup, though." Emily said.

"Do you at least have chicken noodle soup?" JJ asked.

"Unless you want to make it from scratch, no. I do not." Emily said.

"Well, while I do that, you can lay here and take a nap." JJ told Emily while covering her up with a blanket. Emily was about to protest, but she didn't really have the energy to. So, Emily was fast asleep while JJ started making Emily chicken noodle soup from scratch. JJ could see Emily from her kitchen, and she couldn't help but think how cute Emily looked while she was sleeping. As she was staring at Emily, she realized what she was doing and got back to making the soup. Once it was done, she decided to let Emily sleep because she was sick and needed her rest. Emily woke up about and hour later, and when JJ looked at her, she could tell that Emily felt worse than when she was.

"Hey princess. How do you feel?" JJ asked even though she could already guess how she felt.

"Like I got ran over by a train." Emily told her. JJ gave her the look of sympathy before taking her temperature.

"You've got a high fever of 103.4." JJ said.

"I'm so cold though." Emily said.

"Because you're sick. Let me get you your soup, and then we can watch movies." JJ said and went out to the kitchen and got Emily her bowl of soup. When she walked back out, Emily looked as if she was going to fall asleep again.

You really made chicken noodle soup by scratch?" Emily asked in a weak voice.

"Yeah. You need to eat at least a little bit." JJ said and handed the bowl to Emily. Emily took a bite and almost threw up but held it down. She managed to hold everything she ate, which was only half a bowl, down.

"I'm really cold." Emily complained.

"Let me go get some more blankets." JJ said and went to Emily's room to get more blankets. When she returned, Emily was gone, but then she heard her in the bathroom. When she walked out, she started crying.

"Why do i feel this way? I never get sick!" Emily cried.

"It's okay. If your fever doesn't break, I may just take you to the hospital. But before we do anything, I need to give you some medicine." JJ said and went through her medicine cabinet before finding what she was looking for. "I need you to take both of these pills before you go to sleep." JJ ordered. Emily took them and swallowed them before they went out to the living room. Emily was really cold, so JJ laid on the couch and told Emily to lay on top of her.

"Why do you want me to lay on top of you?" Emily asked.

"I am going to be extra heat, so you will be warm when all the blankets are on top us." JJ said. Really, she just wanted to be close to Emily.

"But I will get you sick." Emily said.

"Then we will be sick together." JJ said. Emily didn't feel like arguing, so she laid on top of JJ, off to her side, against the back of the couch. As they laid there watching The Price Is Right, Emily couldn't help but smile a little bit. But, eventually she fell asleep.

JJ held Emily as she slept, but she eventually removed herself from under Emily and started to clean her apartment. She just wanted to help out Emily because she felt bad for her. Her apartment wasn't horribly messy, but she still thought that she could clean for Emily since she wasn't feeling the greatest.

"JJ?" JJ heard Emily say weakly. She stopped what she was doing and went out into the living room.
"Yes darling?" JJ asked.

"Can you sing?" Emily asked. JJ could tell that she had just woken up.

"I guess so. Why?" JJ asked.

"My mom used to sing to me when I was sick to get me to sleep. I just thought maybe you could do that. You don't have to if you don't want to." Emily said.

"I totally can! What do you want me to sing?" JJ asked.

"Anything you want." Emily said. JJ sat down next to Emily and pulled her closer. Emily laid her head on JJ's chest and snuggled up to her as JJ held her.

"Okay. Um, 'I am washed, yes I'm washed
I am washed in the blood
I'm all washed in the blood of the lamb
I'm all clean I'm all spotless
I'm pure like the snows
I'm all washed in the blood of the lamb

Have you laid down your burdens?
Have you found peace and rest?
Are you washed in the blood of the lamb?
I've laid down all my troubles
I've found peace and rest
I'm all washed in the blood of the lamb'" JJ sang. She looked at Emily the entire time and watched her fall asleep. She thought Emily was so adorable when she slept, so she couldn't resist taking a picture of her.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry it took so long to update! I've been in college and haven't had time. I hope you like it!

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