Chapter 1

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"Emily, look, I know you don't want to talk about it, but it's exactly why we need to talk about it." Derek said to Emily. "You want to leave, don't you?" he said after a few seconds of thinking.

"I didn't say that." Emily said.

"That's the only reason why you would be this quiet, Emily." Derek said.

"Can we please talk about this later?" Emily said, trying to get out of having to explain herself.

"No. How long have you been thinking about this?" Derek asked.


The beginning

Emily knocked on Hotch's office door. "Come in!" she heard. She opened the door and walked in with her box of things.

"Hello. I'm Emily Prentiss. I'm supposed to be starting here today." Emily told him.

"I don't recall approving any new agents." Hotch told Emily.

"They gave me the paperwork." Emily said, reaching into her bag and taking out the paperwork and handing it to him. He read over it and was a little confused.

"Excuse me. Sorry for interrupting, but we have a case." they heard. Emily looked behind her and saw a blonde woman.

"Okay. I'm sorry, but I didn't approve any of this. I will talk with the higher ups and see why they gave you this." Hotch said and walked out. Emily felt hurt that he wouldn't let her join since she had the papers and everything. But, she couldn't stop looking at the blonde when she was standing there with case files. She couldn't stop thinking about how perfect the color of her hair is. Or how cute her outfit was. But most of all, she couldn't figure out why she kept looking at her or why she was thinking about her.

As Emily sat in Hotch's office, she decided to take in her surroundings. There were pictures of him, a little boy, and a woman. She guessed that they were his family. But, she felt that something was off about newer ones. Like they weren't all that happy. The only one who looks genuinely happy is the little boy.

Emily had to use the bathroom, so she walked passed the conference room. She looked through the window and saw the blonde briefing them on the case. They made eye contact for a few seconds before Emily quickly looked away. She quickly went to the bathroom and was in there for a while because she didn't want to face the blonde.

She heard the door open, and once she heard a stall door close, she opened her door and started washing her hands. But, the other girl who was in the bathroom with her didn't take long. Emily looked in the mirror when she heard the stall door open and saw the blonde. She quickly turned the water off and started drying her hands. "Hey! I'm Jennifer Jareau, the communications liaison. I'm sorry for interrupting you and Hotch." Jennifer said.

"I'm Emily Prentiss. And don't worry about it. I don't think you will be seeing me any more." Emily said.

"Why not?" JJ asked.

"Well I guess Hotch never approved any new agents, but I have papers for me starting today. But he won't let me. So, I guess I won't be back." Emily said.

"Let me talk to him." JJ said.

"I don't think you could change his mind." Emily said.

"We'll see. It was nice meeting you, and I hope to be seeing you soon!" JJ said and walked out. Emily smiled and realized that JJ smelled really good. She wanted to know what perfume she wore because it smelled so good to her.

After she left the bathroom, she decided to leaver her stuff in Hotch's office and go home. It got really lonely, so she turned on the TV and started to watch The Exorcism. The movie scared her, but she loves being scared. She didn't know why. Maybe it was the rush and adrenaline? Whatever it was, she loved it. She wondered if JJ liked scary movies.

Three days later, she was informed that the team was on their way back, so she went to the BAU and waited in Hotch's office. The entire three days, she couldn't stop thinking about the blonde. Did she like horror movies? Did she like action movies? What music does she like? What's her favorite color? She just wanted to know everything about her.

"I thought I told you that I wasn't accepting any new agents?" she heard Hotch ask as he walked in. She looked up at him, and her eyes drifted to JJ who popped her head in.

'Profile him.' she mouthed before leaving.

"Just give me a chance. I waited here for you to get back. I promise my mother had nothing to do with this. I can prove to you that I am as good as everyone else on the team." Emily said.

"And how will you do that?" he asked.

"Let me profile you." she said.

"Okay. Go ahead." he said.

"In your pictures is you with a little boy and a woman. In pictures before the little boy, you and the woman are very happy, and I can see that you were in love. You two were even more extatic when you had the little boy. But in later pictures, both of your smiles kind of fade. I can tell that they are fake smiles. My guess is that she didn't like how much you were away because she needed you with her to raise him. You aren't wearing a ring, so you either never got married, or you are getting divorced. I don't know. But, I can see that you are very upset. My guess is that it was her idea. You didn't want to, but you love her too much. So you decided to go with her decision because you don't want to make her more upset." Emily said. Hotch gave her a look before making a decision.

"Welcome to the BAU. You start tomorrow. 8 AM. Don't be late." he said. Emily smiled and internally thanked JJ.


Hey guys! Here is the new story! I hope you like it!

What Hurts The Most (Jemily)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora