"Yeah, try calling her." Hunk says. Pulling up his phone, Keith clicks on Allura's contact and listens to the phone ring on speaker phone.


"Allura?" Keith asks.

"Hey Keith! What's up!"

"Is Lance with you?"

"Nope, haven't seen him since we all visited yesterday. Just Shiro is with me. Why?"

"Shit," Pidge says.

"What?" Allura asks. Keith starts to hyperventilate, unable to speak so Pidge grabs the phone from him.

"Hey, Allura, it's Matt's sibling, Pidge, we've got a bit of problem."

"What's going on?"

"Lance is missing."


"Where are you guys." Allura says, the sounds of her and Shiro scrambling to grab their coats and shoes heard in the background.

"My place." Pidge says.

"We're on our way!" Allura shouts as she hangs up the phone. Pidge collapses on the couch, Jorji immediately wrapping his arms around him.

"Pidge," Hunk whispers.


"Go grab your computer, lets track his phone."

Pidge pushes himself off the couch and rushes up the stairs, first signaling to Jorji to grab a blanket for the hyperventilate Keith to help him start to calm down. Wrapped in a blanket, Keith with the help of Jorji and Hunk get his breathing back under control just as Pidge comes back down the stairs. Situating himself at the coffee table, he starts up his laptop and starts to try and track Lance's phone. Five minutes later, two sets of footsteps can be heard descending the stairs as Allura and Shiro arrive.

"You got here fast," Keith says as Shiro wraps him in a hug.

(A/N: Just a heads up, there are some depictions of blood, nothing too in detail though.)

"Allura insisted on driving," was all Shiro could say. The brothers parted and sat down with Allura taking a seat beside Pidge, as they all watched him furiously work. Suddenly, a stabbing pain radiates across the palm of Keith's hand. Keith hisses in pain, causing everyone to look over to him only to see a massive cut open on his arm and blood rush out.

"Oh fuck!" Pidge exclaims as he jumps up and runs to the bathroom to grab a first aid kit. Keith grits his teeth in pain and watches as blood streams down his fingertips. Bringing gauze and disinfectant, Pidge and everyone desperately work to stop the bleed when Jorji suddenly points something out.

"Um Keith," Jorji says, face going pale. "Your arm!"

Keith looks down at his arm to start to see words appearing on his arm, written in blood.

Think about how much that hurt your poor "soulmate"

Allura gasps and puts a hand over her mouth, and Keith just starts to feel sick. Then the group watches as Keith's phone starts to ring, an unknown phone number appearing. Hesitantly, with his good hand Keith picks up the phone and places it next to his ear.

"Hello?" he whispers.

"Hello there, sweetheart."

Keith's stomach drops.

"Lotor," Keith grits out, the group in shock. "What the fuck have you done to him."

"Well, I haven't killed him yet."

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