Chapter 36

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From LKT,

Lauren Kutterfly has decided to post a video called 'A One Sided Conversation With Lauren Kutterfly' soon. Thank you for supporting LKT.

The note below is written by Lauren Kutterfly:

Hey readers! Like I promised. Chapters come out every Saturday! Yeah, I know. The plot is becoming weirder and weirder by the second, but please bare with me! I'll make this book the interestingest(is that even a word?!) AOT fan fiction with magic that you've ever read! Lots of Plot Twists up ahead with a bunch of feels mixed together! Be prepared to cry, gasp in shock, laugh, and smile! Thanks!


Chapter 36

Sneaking through hallways that's vacant sounds easy, but it's not.

Every time I stepped on the wrong floor board, it makes an annoying creaking sound. Each time I did this, I start praying to Satan(Yeah... I have weird prayers... DAD!) that no one comes jumping from the shadows with a sword and tries to whack my head off.

I finally reached the doors to the training grounds. Pushing them open as softly as I could, I slipped out quietly and closed the does behind me.

Mission Get-Out-Of-The-HQ-Alive-And-In-One-Piece: Successful.

Mission Go-To-Noah-Without-Getting-Noticed: In Progress.

I tiptoed my way through the garden to where Noah stood waiting for me. As soon as he spotted me, his face broke off into a huge smile and he waved at me.

I quickened my pace and within seconds, I was in front of him.

"Hey there, Karen," he greeted with a grin.

"Hi," I replied back. "What are we doing now?"

Noah's grin widened.

"We're gonna test your powers," he announced. I stared at him.

"How... do we do that?" I asked him. "If you're talking about summoning a dark ball of energy, sorry then. I don't know how to do that."

Noah chuckled and shook his head.

"No, no, not like that," he said. "You'll see. Come with me."

He beckoned with his hand an started to head over to a huge tree that casted a long and wide shadow. I followed him.

We stopped directly under the tree... in its shadow. Noah turned around to face me.

"Alright. This should be a good spot," he said and slightly dusted off his hands of invisible dirt.

"Now watch," he commanded.

Noah extended out his hand just like he did this morning.

"Summon: Blade Of Wisdom!" he yelled. A bright glow emitted from Noah's palm. It grew bigger and brighter until it suddenly erupted.

When the light died down, in Noah's hand was the sword that I saw him hold when I first met him. My eyes widened at the sight.

"W-What?" I spluttered. "How did you.. do that?"

Noah smiled and tossed the sword around.

"Each and every Animato and Normato have their own unique weapon. Some might be swords like mine. Others can be daggers, bows and arrows, and spears. Each weapon is designed to fit the person wielding it. Mine is called the Blade of Wisdom. It's made especially for Light elemental wielders. It's one of the rarer swords."

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