Chapter 23

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Hey readers!!!! I just want you to all know that I'm very happy that all of you chose to read this book. I probably used up a bunch of y'all's time... I'm so sorry! I'm on vacation right now, and managed to get some wifi. The wifi is very low right now, so please bare with me. The chapter might be short... I'm sorry! And also wait until next week for a picture to go with my chapter... I can't insert one cuz I'm on my hone right now and I can only type.

Anyhow, I just want you to all know how happy and glad I am to have you all voting, commenting, fanning, and reading this book. I still don't get how some people out there in the world find this book amusing, but Gee Thanks. I really appreciate everything.

If you have any questions regarding my book or how often I update, please contact me in my Inbox. I promise that I always answer my people there. If you comment, Te chances that I see it is 15%. I only answer you on comments when I see necessary. Thank you!

From the next chapter and on, all of my author notes will be replaced with update inormation by my Team. Go Lauren Kutterfly Team! Go, go LKT! Don't worry though. I will still tell you things and give dedications.

Currebt Team Members:

-Lauren Kutterfly(Writer)

-Shannon Sun(Plot Assistant/Song Chooser)

-William Hua(Cover Editor Assistant/Picture Creator)

-Reena Zou(Cover Editor)

- Sonia He(Story Editor)

Spots are still open!(Cover Editor Assistant, Author Note Maker,ect). I will choose the person that I see fit or each job. If you wish to have a spot, inbox me the following information:

Wattpad Name:

Real Name:




Specialize in(Art, Writing, ect):

Thank you! Remeber, if you want to join the team just inbox me! Thankx again!

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Chapter 23

I carried my tray of bread and soup over to an empty table in a corner. I sat down at the very edge and began to eat.

People all around me were talking excitedly with their friends. Everything here brought back countless memories that I spent with Cecilia back in the real world in the cafeteria after doing a bunch of Math tests.

I looked down at my food. The bread appeared soggy and the soup had Te color of... gray.

I sighed.

I would rather eat my mom's failed French Toast. The ones that are burned and almost killed.

"Hi," someone said from my left. I looked up to see three people standing there, two boys and one girl that sent of dark waves.

"Can we sit next to you since everywhere else is full?" the boy with town floppy hair asked and smiled.

"Uh, sure," I answered. I scooted over a little for them to sit down.

"Thank you!" the boy with chin cropped blonde hair said quietly.

They plopped down and began to eat.

"Say, we never got your name," the boy with town hair said with a mouthful of food.

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