JK: They are planning for the fanmeeting event next week, remember?

V: Yeah yeah.😒

I lie back down on my bed and close my eyes.

JK: Well I'll go to the living room and try to find Jimin. Maybe I can get him to watch a movie with me. Want to join in😁

V: Maybe later...

JK: Okay...well see you later

He went out of the room.

It's nice seeing Jungkook happy after a while. He's been worried about the threats a lot lately, especially because Jimin was getting so many of them. But now that Jack came here he seems to be relaxing. I guess he trusts him.

RM hyung is the same. He trusts PD-nim and his choice to get us agents for bodyguards. Jin hyung is the same, but he doesn't like them being agents as much as Namjoon.

Suga is getting used to Jack in the house. He talks with him, but he doesn't at the same time. He only speaks when the team lends on Jimin or anyone of us getting hurt.

Jimin doesn't talk. Not to Yoongi, not to Jack. He doesn't do the quizzes. He looks dead to be completely honest.

Hobie hyung likes the bodyguards being here, but he can't stand not being able to go out of the house. Unlike me he doesn't want to go to the city. He wants to go to the garden we have at the house. But Jack won't let him because there aren't enough bodyguards at the house, cause they are getting ready for the fanmeeting.

I'm sitting in the dining room eating cereal. I'm looking at Jungkook and Jimin. JK is trying to get Jimin to choose a movie but he doesn't seem to care about it. Jin hyung is in the kitchen cleaning after breakfast. RM, Suga and J-Hope are in the upstairs studio working.

I look at the window that shows me a view of the front door. The motorbike parked at the entrance. It's not usually parked there. Y/N takes it out before I even wake up, so I don't get to look at it a lot. I don't get to see her as well.

I stand up and walk past the kitchen to our parts door. I open it and take my shoes from the corner next to our door. I put them on then walk out of the house.

I'm not supposed to do this, but fuck it. Jack can't do anything to me.😜

I step to the bike. It's a nice bike. All black with steel handles and motor that shine under the black leather. The position of the sit makes you lie on the motor like thouse racers in MotoGP. It looks so cool. It must be such a great feeling riding  it.

 It must be such a great feeling riding  it

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I step closer. This bike realy shines in the morning sun. I tuch the sit and glide my hand down its leather.

V: It's so smooth

??: Isn't it


Happy Birthday Jungkook😊😁

Happy Birthday Jungkook😊😁

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