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Altea was burning.

And Ahsoka Tano, former padwan of the Jedi Order, watched as it happened.

She stood on the main bridge of the Castle of Lions with the remaining two members of the Royal Altean Family, King Alfor and Princess Allura as well as their adviser, Coran as Galran ships fired on Altea, killing those who lived there.

Those who were left anyway.

A hologram came up on the ship's mainframe, showing the monster they were fighting.

King Alfor growled. "Zarkon."

"Your fleet has been destroyed Alfor, I will be there shortly to claim Voltron."

The hologram disappeared, and a shot from a Galra ship replaced it. As the Castle shook at the impact, Allura turned and faced her father. "Father, we must form Voltron and fight before it's too late."

Ahsoka pursed her lips. "With what Paladins? We can't pilot Voltron with just the four of us."

"Ahsoka right, and it's already too late. We must send the lions away, we can't risk them falling into Zarkon's hands."

Allura shook her head. "We can't give up hope!"

The former Jedi Padwan moved to comfort her friend/charge, but King Alfor beat her to it. "I'm sorry Daughter. If all goes well, I will see you again soon."

He performed Altean alchemy that made Allura lose conscious, sweeping her up before she hit the ground. King Alfor then turned his adviser and Ahsoka. "Come with me."

The two shared a look before doing as Alfor instructed. And when they reached the medical wing of the Castle, Ahsoka furrowed the facial markings that served as her eyebrows. "My King-"

Alfor handed Allura to her before setting up a healing pod. "Does your vow still stand?"

When Ahsoka left the Jedi Order, she wandered the galaxy, lost and confused. Allura was on a diplomatic mission when she found the togruta half dead due to starvation and saved her life by bringing her to Altea after hearing her tale. After that, she vowed her loyalty to the princess, and by extension the royal family. "It stands until I die."

A humorless smile crossed the king's face as the healing pod rose from the ground. "There won't be any need for that at the moment."

The healing pod hummed to life as Alfor turned to face Ahsoka. "If all doesn't go well; if Allura is in the healing pods longer than I'm anticipating, She'll need you by her side."

He took his daughter from the former padwan's arms and set her in the healing pod, regret clouding his features as the pod tucked itself back into the floor. Not looking at Ahsoka, he began setting up another one. "I know this is too much to ask-"

The togruta shook her head. "My vow bounds me to Allura and by extension you for life. Nothing is too much to ask."

When the second pod hummed to life, the King of Altea looked at her. "You will guide her when you both awaken?"

Ahsoka nodded and walked towards the healing pod before stepping inside. "I will."

Alfor smiled bitterly. "Good-bye Ahsoka, please take care of Allura."

The padwan nodded before forming an X  with her arms over her chest. "Goodbye my king, and I promise."

The last thing she saw and heard as the healing pod activated was Alfor looking to his advisor. "Coran, come with me."

And then, darkness.


The moment she stepped foot back on Coruscant, the padwan sighed in relief.

She was home, and so were the padwans that were stolen.

Ahsoka was talking to Chewbacca when she heard Anakin for the first time since she was stolen away. "Ahsoka!"

She said goodbye to the Wookie and walked towards her master, who gripped both of her shoulders just to make sure she was actually there. Master Plo-Koon was there too. "It is good to see you safe Little 'Soka."

When the master walked away, Anakin looked to the ground in guilt. "Ahsoka I am so sorry."

The togruta's head tilted to the side. "For what?"

"For letting you go, for letting you get taken, it was my fault!"

Ahsoka shook her head. "No, Master. It wasn't your fault."

Anakin continued to beat himself up. "I should have payed more attention, I should have tried harder! I-"

The padwan smiled. "You already did everything you could, everything you had to do. When I was out there alone, all I had was your training and the lessons you taught me. And because of you, I did survive. And not only that, I was able to lead others to survive as well."

Her master was shocked. "I... don't know what to say."

"I do."

Ahsoka bowed. "Thank you, Master."

Anakin smiled before bowing back. "You're welcome, my padwan."

-End of Dream-

The togruta's ice blue eyes opened with a start. "Anakin!'

She fell forward away from the healing pod. But before she could hit the ground, a pair of strong arms broke her fall.

"Woah... that's-"

"She's hot!"


When she looked at the person who caught her, she looked into the most beautiful pair of indigo eyes she has ever seen.

Author's Note: I know it's short, but there is a reason for this. I wanted to establish Ahsoka and introduce the storyline. 

Also chapter one of Fulcrum's companion fic Black Panther will also be updated, but there will be quite a few chapters of Fulcrum between the next chapter of Black Panter.

Thank you for reading! Tell me what you think so far!


Fulcrum ♣ Keith KoganeWhere stories live. Discover now