"What? Bu-"

I was about to question him again but then I thought I was better off asking Nathan instead.

"How do you know Nathan?" He quietly asked.

"Best friends since pre-school." I stated proudly as if it was an award.

He raised his eyebrows in acknowledgement. He looked a bit miffed for some reason.

"We are just friends,"

I don't know why but I felt like I needed him to know.

"Nothing more."

Hunter put his food down, folded his arms and his eyes hardened.

"Why are you telling me this?" He said in a hard firm voice.

"I just didn't want there to be any confusion, just you know clarifying things" I said waving my hands around.

Hunter let out a deep sigh and leaned back in his seat and continued eating. After a few minutes of silence my mouth decided to act up again.

"By the way, you know the guy that was with me at the mall?"

He started coughing and when he stopped he looked up at me expectedly.

"Yeah, he's my b-"

"Yeah ok, whatever." He cut me off before I could say complete my sentence. I've noticed he has a really bad habbit of doing that.

What is wrong with him? I know he thinks Dylan is my boyfriend (Yuck), which for some reason makes him act weird.

And no I'm not the clueless girl who can't take a hint. Hunter really does show no sign of his emotions or feelings. Probably doesn't have any but never the less I needed him to know his facts.

"Let me finish. Dylan is my b-"

He started coughing again and I offered him some of my water, which he surprisingly took and drank.

I let out a fustrated sigh.

Fine if he won't let me clarify who Dylan is then I won't bother telling him.

After a while Nathan came and sat down next to me.

"What's up Tas?" Nathan was glaring at Hunter and holding my hand from under the table as he spoke.

I was about to reply, when Hunter suddenly stood up and grabbed his bag.

"I'm out."

Nathan didn't say anything. In fact, he seemed happy with the way Hunter responded.

I don't know what urged me but I stood up and began to walk after him until Nathan grabbed my arm pretty tight. I shook his hand off my arm but he didn't let go. I gave him a weird look.

"Sorry Nathan, I'll just be a minute." I said cautiously

He immediately let go and said "okay" before beginning to eat his food.

I followed Hunter into the hallway and shouted his name for him to stop.

He slowly turned around and stood there with his eyebrows raised whilst I made my way to him calmly.

"What?" He said, avoiding any eye contact.

"See you next lesson?" I asked with an uncertain smile.

A smile slightly played on his lips and he says the words "maybe."

No, it still wasn't a proper smile. It was a Hunter smile which for ordinary people would be no smile at all but when it came to him that showed a lot.

I was satisfied with his answer and began walking back to the cafeteria.

I couldn't help myself from approaching Hunter; I needed to know that he wasn't upset.

With me.

Thinking back on it now, I shouldn't have gone after him but if I didn't j wouldn't have got to see his version of a smile.


I decided to sit next to Hunter for all my other lessons, which he seemed to appreciate because he was a bit more responsive to me today. He actually spoke a bit during lesson and didn't just put his head down on the desk. But then again the most Hunter said today was,

"My head hurts because of you."

Yep, I feel so proud that I made him say that much. Even if what he said was slightly offensive.


I was waiting by Nathan's car when Hunter approached me.

"Hey." I said smiling as he stood next to me leaning against the car.

"Who are you waiting for?" He asked, his eyes refusing to meet mine.

"Nathan." I grimaced I couldn't help but feel guilty whilst saying those words.

He nodded and muttered something that sounded like, figures.

A few moments later, he turned his head and his eyes met mine. I felt like melting because they had softened up and it was like he was staring into me.

I noticed Hunters' head move slightly forward, I knew he wasn't going to do what an ordinary girl thought he would do so I waited as he leaned in and I felt his cheeks rest on mine as his lips came up to my ears as he whispered.

"Be careful would you."

And with that he left. How did he manage to scare me yet excite me at the exact same time.

But what did he mean? Maybe it was just friendly advice.

I felt really cold as soon as he left. Cold on the inside too.

How did Hunter make me feel this way?

He's been so caring and trusting towards me ever since the day I picked up my car.

I took his phone in Biology and saved my number into his contacts, naming me as Anastasia. For some reason I preferred it when he said my full name. What surprised me was that when I asked for his phone he just gave it to me no questions asked. Weren't guys really secretive and cautious with their phones? I even asked for his number and he allowed me to do so just in case I, in his words, "Ever get lost on the way to school."

Now who is dumb enough to get lost on the way to school?


Michael Trevino playing Nathan, pic on the side -------

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Always and ForeverTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon