Chapter Seven

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Leaning against one of the columns of the entrance hall in a shaft of the warm, morning sunlight, reading unmindfully his book, Riddle was waiting for Icara.
It didn't take him long to learn what happened last night when he saw the grim figures of Lestrange and Malfoy surrounded by the three others late in the common room. He ordered them to tell him what was happening and the two cried as they showed him their broken wands.
He immediately knew it was about her.
Avery explained everything in details to him, how the spell didn't work, how she incapacitated them without troubles, how cruelly happy she looked after she was done.
Of course, he'd got utterly mad at the group for daring to confront her without his permission and, by doing so, potentially putting the mission into failure but at the same time... they'd brought him undeniably valuable information.
As he was expecting, Lacroix was way more powerful than what she was showing in broad daylight, she was mastering highly technical charms and spells he never heard of and, most importantly, she had a darker side.
Making her an even more paramount asset he needed to get.
The best way he had found to convince her to get on his side was to first befriend her and learn more about her, he already knew intimidation would not work. Then, when he'll be sure he had her full trust, he could reveal her his scheme and entice her to join the Knights of Walpurgis.
At this time he was slowly but steadily fulfilling the first step. Although he didn't really know if she was being genuine with him, he could certify that he was getting closer to her and that she was interested in him, he never saw her talk to anybody else.

The sound of stone scraping against stone came to his ears and a soft humming echoed into the empty hall.
He looked over to see Lacroix striding toward the marble staircase, her footsteps were light as she was almost dancing along the tune, her eyes half closed and a sweet smile onto her lips.
She seemed... Happy.
With her right hand delicately stroking the railing of the staircase, she swiftly climbed to the first floor and stopped her track after a few more steps. Finishing her humming with a sudden high note.
"Were you waiting for me?" She asked, not even looking at him.
Riddle straighten himself up while closing his book. "I was, indeed."
Icara slowly turned her body to face him. "And what does His Majesty want today?" She curtsied to him.
He raised an eyebrow and smirked, pleased by the name. "His Majesty?"
"I thought it would've been more suitable for you after what your guards told me yesterday." She adopted her usual pretentious attitude.
His smirk faded quickly, "they're not my guards."
"And what are they?" Icara came closer to him. "They're definitely not your friends." She tilted her head, looking straight into his eyes and crossed her arms. "Are they your protectors? Are you some kind of celebrity who need guardians? No... It's not that..." Her face got closer to his and she was looking for any change of facial expression from him. "Soldiers? Servants? Minions? Pawns maybe?"
He didn't answer but she didn't need him to say anything, she already had her answer. He considered them as his pawns.
She went back to her initial posture, "so, why were you waiting for me, Riddle?"
"I have questions for you," he replied.
She grinned and raised an eyebrow, "about what happened last night?"
He nodded and they both started to walk toward the library.
"I am all ears," Icara said, beholding Riddle at her left side.
She saw him blinking slowly before gazing at her with his typical cold eyes.
"Where did you learn the spells you used yesterday?" He started.
"In class." She simply answered.
He frowned, "at BeauxBâtons?"
"Yes." She paused for a second. "And I'm sure you know those spells too, Riddle."
Slight confusion went on his face, "no, I don't."
"Yes, you do." She immediately responded.
His gaze started to grow dark, "I tell you that I-"
"You know them, Riddle." Her tone was serious and her eyes showed gravity. "They are on the third year's program. It's not because a spell is cast wandlessly that it's necessarily a complicated one." On those words, she held up a hand in the air and made little Bluebell flames dance between her fingers. "You just need to combine them?"
Riddle remained silent as he thought at what she'd just said and they climbed on one of the many moving staircases to get on the third floor. Icara rested against a stone railing and observed him, noticing that he was holding a black book.
"If you need help with that book I can help you, you know?" She furrowed her brows, concerned.
He shot her a cold look, "I don't need help, what are you talking about?"
She rolled her eyes, "you've been reading it every single day for more than two weeks, I don't think it would take you that much time to read a book that thin... So you're clearly having trouble with it."
Riddle looked at her in the eyes and a took a step closer, "Do you know anything about Dark Magic, Lacroix?"
"Maybe." She just said while holding his gaze for a moment, before looking back at the book. "How did you got it in the first place? I thought that only seventh-grade students were allowed to enter the Restricted Section of the library."
Riddle smirked and answered with arrogance. "Privilege of being the top student."
She copied his attitude, "oh really? I can't wait to benefit it then."
The floating staircase finally arrived at its destination.
"Are you implying that you're going to beat me at the next O.W.L, Lacroix?" He asked in a low tone while they both took the corridor to their left.
"I'm not implying, I'm sure of it." She proudly declared. 
He scoffed, "there's no way you'll have better grades than me."
"We'll see that in December."

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