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(No Time)

Allen slowly turned to look into the dark cell, a bunk bed was pushed against the left wall, and he sighed in relief as he realized that it was the only other thing in the cell.

He was safe for now.

He noticed that the bottom bed was neatly made but it had a second blanket. One blanket was the same ugly, army green as the blanket on the top bunk but the other was a deep blue with black trim and a large black lotus flower sewn into the middle. Allen noticed gold lettering at the bottom of the blanket and he picked up the corner so he could read it.

"Kanda Yuu," he whispered the name to himself, a small tingle raced down his spine making him shiver. It hadn't felt like a fearful reaction, in fact it was far from fear in feeling but he couldn't place it, it wasn't something he had ever felt before.

'What was that?...'

He shook himself to be rid of the feeling and straightened the blanket out again, hoping his cell mate wasn't some crazy neat freak that would kill him for touching it. Cautiously he moved to the top bunk for the little privacy it provided and began to awkwardly change while lying on his back.

There wasn't a lot of room, with only about 5 feet between the ceiling of his tiny cell and the top of his bunk, Allen struggled to pull off his sweaty clothes.

He was halfway though pulling on his new pants when a loud ringing sounded from what seemed like every corner of the prison, and pushed his nerves over the edge, making him accidentally fall-jump off the side of the bed. He groaned at the slight pain that ran up his side when he landed and looked up at the door as the loud click of cell doors opening echoed down the hallway. Quickly he sat up, the pain in his side moving to reside in his leg, and he crawled his way to the cells entrance to see guards taking their positions next to the cells and a long line of convicts being lead up the hall.

He could feel a lump rising in his throat, a small ball of dread forming in the pit of his stomach as he watched the convicts march up the hallway, messily dispersing to their assigned cells. Flashes of big burly men invaded Allen's imagination, their muscled, tattooed bodies peaking an interest in an area down below, but the angry murderous gazes he contorted onto their faces made the ball of dread heavier and heavier with each one he thought up or saw before him in the large lines coming up the hall.

Allen quickly stood up, the pain in his leg flaring before beginning to fade away, and he brushed the floors dirt off his pants and hands. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves but it did nothing to help.

Allen leaned against the nearby bars and looked back down the hall, only to have shock and awe take over his senses. The most beautiful man he had ever seen had turned out of the line and was headed straight towards him. The Japanese man couldn't have been more than two years older than him. 20? Maybe 21? Allen personally didn't care as he watched the man sway his way, his long raven hair effortlessly flowing behind him even tied in the high ponytail it was in, his strong jaw set, and his soft lips were pulled into a permeate scowl. Allen was barely able to hold back his embarrassment as he felt his blood rush south, he adjusted himself against the bars, and thanked the heavens for his overly baggy prison pants.

Kanda inwardly sighed as he turned out of the line of convicts and headed towards his cell, he was surprised to see a short man with a head of bright white hair leaning against the bars of his cell. Kanda's scowl deepened slightly, he felt the smallest amount of annoyance that he was about to be bothered by the frightened looking man, but he was very interested to find out who this sexy, shirtless, scarred little white kitten was. He had not seen him around the prison before, and by his shirtless-ness he obviously wasn't aware of what happened in prisons, even with that red, veiny arm and steel gray eye's, Kanda found him strangely attractive. The man seemed unaware of the looks the other convicts were giving him, his eyes were locked onto Kanda's, shock clear in his face and his eyes held a glimmer of something Kanda couldn't see from so far away. He watched as the man adjusted his position against the bars, Kanda realizing just how unaware of himself the man was, as his hips swayed slightly...suggestively... Kanda couldn't help a dirty image rise from his imagination and he felt something in his pants twitch from the image.

The small amount of time it took for Kanda to reach the cell seemed to be an eternity to both the men as they soaked in the others appearance. Neither realized the attraction was mutual, Kanda thinking Allen was in shock, while Allen could only see the annoyed expression in Kanda's features and the scowl on his lips.

Kanda walked up to the cell stopping so that his side was equal with Allen's, Kanda's body facing into the dark little cell while Allen's faced the hall as he leaned against the bars, their eyes only leaving the others to once again sample the others beauty before returning to the gaze, the baggy clothing leaving much to the imagination.

Kanda was first to break the heated silence.

"And you are?" Kanda asked Allen his tone coming out more annoyed then he meant

"I-I'm Allen, Allen Walker," Allen shuddered, Kanda's cobalt eye's flicker with interest.

"My name's Kanda Yuu," Kanda moved to the bunk bed as a guard closed their cell and he inspected his bed before lying down, "and you are in my cell because...?" he crossed his left leg over his right and folded his hands neatly against his abdomen before looking at Allen with a mixture of interest and annoyance.

"I'm your new cellmate," Allen replied quietly, once again shifting uncomfortably against the bars.

"Well I'm glad you have enough sense not to mess with my stuff but it would have been nice to know I was getting stuck with a roomie, especially one so..."



Allen straightened himself, raising an eyebrow at the word, and crossed his arms.

"Unaware? Unaware how?"

"Well your obviously not aware of what happens in prisons or else you'd be wearing a shirt Moyashi and your-"


"-your not exactly the toughest looking guy in this place, you should cover yourself up before someone likes what they see."

'I know I like what I see'

Allen blushed lightly before he moved to the bunk bed and reached up onto his bunk, giving Kanda a great view of his slightly muscled stomach, before he backed away and pulled on his baggy shirt.

"Well I'm sorry, I've never been to prison before, and I can handle myself pretty well, thank you very much." Allen replied defensively.

Kanda shook his head, Allen had no clue as to the people in prison, "che, whatever Moyashi."

Allen opened his mouth to object the nickname when he was interrupted by a guard with fiery red hair unlocking and pulling open their cell door.

"Allen Walker?"

Allen nodded to the guard who wore a regular guard outfit, brown steel toe work boots, green kaki pants with a lighter green officers shirt and a weapons belt tight to his waist, but he had added a bright orange scarf around his neck with a bandana tied around his head and a leather eye patch on his right eye. The guard looked annoyed and a bit angry.

"The warden wants to see you runt, so get your ass out here."

Kanda watched a little annoyed at the interruption as the guard roughly grabbed Allen's arms and cuffed him before pulling him out of the cell and closing the door behind them, Allen looking a little surprised by the guards forcefulness making no attempt to resist as he was lead down the hall.

Kanda sighed, 'That was interesting...Baka main officer interrupting, I hope Moyashi's stronger than he looks, I'd hate to see that pretty face anymore bashed up than it already is,' he felt the smallest spark of anger at the image of Allen limping across their cell with an array of purple and black bruises lining his body. The feeling surprised him, 'I think I'll meditate a little,'

Kanda got up off his bed and sat with his legs crossed in the middle of the cell, he began clearing his mind, his last thought being Allen's face, before his mind cleared completely.

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