Questions pt.1

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Leo: Hello, my fellow fangirls, and readers! ;D

Jason: Hey guys!

Leo: Jason, can you be quiet for one second?

Jason: Fine.

Leo: Okay! So today us demigods are going to do something AWESOME.

Jason: keep going.

Leo: Jason, what did I tell ya?

Jason: sorry.

Leo: So, today we are answering all of your questions, in one chapter, so if your question wasn't answered, it will be answered today.

Jason: I came up with the idea.

Leo: Really Jason?

Jason: come on, can I please say something to the readers?

Leo: Fine.

Jason: Hello readers, I just wanted to say that you can also ask questions in the comments, but we will only take about 4.

Leo: In case you're wondering about the others, they are just hanging out at a mall or something.

Jason: Piper didn't invite me because of my hair. :(

Leo: I had to stay and watch the Argo II with Jason.

Jason: so, ummm, see ya in the next chapter!


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