Question #15

940 37 36

Q: To: Piper, Jason, Hazel, and Frank: What do you think of......Thalico?~ @ArtIsMe

Piper: Thalia and Nico? I would ship them, as long as it's not Pernico.

Jason: WHAT?! Thaila, my sister, with Nico?! Noooooo! Pernico 4ever!

Hazel: what? My brother....has a girlfriend?! *runs and hugs Nico tightly*


Frank: why did you ask me this? But I will ship them.

Jason: NOOOOO! FRANK!!!!! WHY?!

Frank: better than pernico, and plus that ship will never happen.

Jason: NO! PERNICO WILL HAPPEN! * runs and cries in a corner.....again!*

Piper: again? Crying?

Leo: *walks in the room* hey guys-why is Jason crying again?

Piper: *nods*

Leo: oh. Bye then. *walks out of the room*

Piper: Jason! Stop crying please....

Jason: *ignores Piper*

Piper: this is like taking care of a three year old.

Frank: how do you deal with him?

Piper: just watch. Jason, stop crying, you're almost 17 years old. If you keep crying, pernico won't happen. Ever.

Jason: *stops crying*

Piper: good

Hazel: *claps* good job Piper!

Frank: yeah good job!!!

Hazel: so,thanks for reading! See ya in the next chapter!

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