question #10

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Q: To Percy: do you know that Nico loves you? also Nico say why.~@That_pjo_freak123

Percy: What?

Nico: nothing, its nothing.


Nico: Jason, stop I will throw you in tartarus.

Jason: fine.

Percy: oh, umm Nico you have to say why?

Nico: because, of umm

Jason: SAY IT!

Nico: ok... *says this really fast* becauseeversincepercyandimetikindadevelopedacrushonhimsonowimgayandpercyneverknewthistillnow.

Percy: whoa.I didn't understand that.

Nico: well, I said why.

Annabeth: I know what he said. *glares at Nico angerly*

Nico: uh oh.

Leo: *walks in the room with Piper.*

Piper: Annabeth, you ok? your face is getting red.

Annabeth:*face turns red *

Leo: your face looks like a tomato.

Everyone: *looks at Leo*

Leo: What?

Annabeth: *takes out sword goes closer to Nico.* IF.YOU.SAY.SOMETHING.ABOUT. MY.BOYFRIEND. AGAIN .I.WILL.KILL .YOU.

Hazel:*jaw drops* NO! don't touch my brother. *runs over to Nico and hugs him.*

Frank: don't mess with Nico. You will have to face Hazels wrath. and that would not be pretty.

Annabeth: fine. *puts away sword*

Frank: good girl.

Annabeth: shut up.

Percy: Annie calm down. I will always date you.

Nico: *grumbles*

Percy: let's wrap this up shall we? thanks for the question @That_pjo_freak123 feel free to ask more!

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