Chapter Sixteen

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Very important authors at the end read it or be confused about updates.

*A Week After Cassidy And Chris Visit*

Ariane's P.O.V

"Kaylin won't leave me alone about a damn baby and August like Yeah give her one girl I had to make sure he don't spike our condoms cause he want this baby bad", KhaLani said as she had her normal visit.

"Well, give him one", I said with a shrugg.

"Bitch I just got Kaylin bad ass in school from 8 am to 4 pm that's a damn brake now you want me to pop out another one when I got rid of the other?", she asked.

"Yes", was my simple answer.

"Bitch is ya crazy? You August, and Kaylin must be. Kaylin don't even like sharing August, how the hell she gone share him with a sibling?", KhaLani asked.

I shrugged, "Give it a try, before August find him another one to pop out his baby".

"True, I don't want that I guess I'll give him one but them nine months gone be hell for me and him", KhaLani said.

"When you planning on telling him?", I asked.

"After him and Kaylin daddy and daughter day over", KhaLani said.

"That's today ain't it?",I asked. "Cassidy and Chris going to?", I added.

August started Daddy and daughter day with Kaylin because he doesn't spend much time with her. He picks a day out each week or every two weeks to spend time with Kaylin.

"Yep girl, I'm scared cause two men with girls that they can't say no to is hell" , KhaLani said laughing.

"You crazy now what about school did Chris enroll Cassidy?", I asked.

"He had me do it, I enrolled Kaylin to, they start school September 4th and I can't fucking wait!", KhaLani said excited.

"Aw I wanted to be there to see them walk in but my big ass can't leave this bed', I said sadly

"I'll take pictures for you boo", KhaLani offered.

"And this is why your my best friend", I said laughing. "Thanks boo", I added.

"Ya welcome honey bew bew child", She said joining the laugh.

August 's P.O.V

"Kaylin, why not?", I asked Kaylin as I followed her around the house.

"Cause ywou gwone twake up for Cassidy", Kaylin said rolling her eyes at the mention of Cassidy name.

I am currently trying to get Kaylin to come spend time with me for our Daddy and daughter day but she keeps saying no because she's claims I take up for Cassidy all the time but in reality I just try braking up an argument.

"Please I'll buy you ice cream", I begged.

"Nwo daddy", Kaylin refused.

"I'll buy you snacks?", I try again.

She shakes her head,

"Nwo", she says again.

"Stubborn ass child", I say under my breath.

"Um I'll buy that Princess bike, that you wanted from target", I tried this time I got to her.

"Yes I'll gwo!", she said excited. She ran up the stairs and into her room.

"Yo August , you ready?", Chris said coming into the house with Cassidy.

"Nigga do you knock?", I asked.

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