Chapter 2

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Jay walked in to find Jake sitting in the center of the room, still clearly drunk.

She did the logical thing and threw a potion of regeneration at him, making him sober.

Jake shook his head.  "Ugh... remind me never to make bee- wait, where am I?"

"YOU are in my secret room that I spend alone time in!"

She found amusement as Jake spun around.

"Normally, I don't like to shout.  But YOU are a special case Dreamer."

Jay's face was turning red from yelling and her lack of oxygen.

"Uh, Jay?"

"Seriously, you were the MOST drunk person in there!"


"I want you out as soon as-"


She looked at him and felt like she was suffocating.

He rushed over.  "You went without breathing for too long!"

For an odd reason, she couldn't breathe at all.  She collapsed, fading out of consciousnesses.

Jake started panicking, which meant he was gonna do something he might regret.

Then again, he'd already gotten himself drunk, so can't get worse right now.

He desperately searched for a pulse, finding a weak one, before thinking of something.

Quickly but carefully, he started giving her mouth to mouth, trying to at least delay her death if not save her.

If she kills me when she wakes up, I'll regret this miserably, was only one of two things he could actually think about at the moment.

He kept it going for a few minutes before she opened her eyes.

He noticed and held a hand out.

"You okay?"

Jay took a minute to process everything.

"Um... probably almost died."


"Okay, mister 'I'm a hero.'"

"Ha ha."

They just sat there for a while.

"Thanks for saving me.  I know I can be kinda annoying sometimes, but I still don't 100% trust you guys."

Jake looked at her face and raised an eyebrow.  "Haven't we told you?  We're trustworthy."

"My past says otherwise."

Jake tilted his head in curiosity.  Jay, however, flung her hand to her mouth, her eyes wide.

I did NOT just say that, was the only proof her mind was working.


Jay looked away, seeing the door shut.

Thank Notch

"Jake... if I tell you, you have to promise never to tell anyone unless my life depends on it.  Not even Jack."

"Jay, you can't hide things from your friends forever..."

"I've done it before."

"Well, we're different."

"No!"  The sarcasm was obvious.

A New Generation (An MCSM Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora