Chapter 1

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"Somebody explain why there was a ZOMBIE IN MY BEDROOM!"

Laughter echoed through the house as Jack came down, smelling like rotten flesh and holding a zombie head.

His black jacket was missing a sleeve, and the mob's head had his left, dark brown shoe in his mouth.


Jake walked out, throwing his white jacket on the floor.

"It's called a prank."

Jack dropped the head, putting his shoe back on, then crafting another jacket to wear.

"We need to hurry up or we'll be late... and Jay is more then capable of throwing us to Champion City..."

The twins shivered at the thought of Jay's fighting skills.

"Yeah, let's go."

They left the house and ran through Beacontown, the streetlights illuminating the way to their friend's house.

"So, you think Jay's gonna use someone as fighting practice?"

Jack rolled his eyes.  "Maybe.  Or she'll just drag us to the forest to go mob hunting."

"Yeah, she does like mob slaying."

"I'd end up calling all the Endermen for myse-"  Jack bumped into someone and ended up on the stone, the pain lingering in the back of his head.

"Jack, are you okay?!"

Tina got up and tripped, falling back.

He grabbed her arm before she fell in the town fountain.

"Are you okay?" he asked, feeling his face heating up a little.

Tina struggled to regain her balance.  "Yeah, I'm fine.  Let me guess, you're running late to Jay's little party?"  The twins nodded.  Jack gave a little pull to help Tina stand, but instead ended up pulling her closer to him, only causing their faces to turn even more red.

Jake held back a laugh.  "I'll meet you guys there.  Enjoy your time alone."

Their faces reached maximum redness as the twin left.

Slowly, they shifted out of their awkward pose, and it was only then that Jack let a breath out in embarrassment.

"Let's just hope he doesn't tell anyone.  They already make jokes at our expense."

He nodded, then they ended up running to get to the house.

Jack was greeted with a slimeball to the face.

"That's for being late," Jay said, watching in amusement as Jack failed to get the slime off his face.

"Real mature Jay.  Real mature."

The girl shrugged and walked over to the bookshelf, pulling a secret lever.

"Your brother got here before you.  Any reason?"

"Zombie delay."

Tina sighed.  "He pulled another prank?"

Jack sighed and tripped on the seat in front of him.

"Somebody help me get this slime off my face."

Jay walked into the hidden room before Tina could ask her for help.

"Hang on... you got any milk?"

Jack handed her a bucket of milk, before regretting it.

"Great, why am I getting picked on today?"

"At least you can see."

Jack wiped the milk off his face, before walking to the fire outside to warm up.

After he was sure there wasn't any milk on him, he walked back into the house, then the secret room Jay keeps closed.

Upon walking in, he realized that the potions weren't potions.  Somebody had brewed some drinks and brought them.  Arielle was slowly finishing hers, Addie was flipping through her book in a corner, her drink barely touched, Jake's speech was already somewhat slurred, Jay constantly hitting him to keep him from hitting on her.

"Jay, who made the beer?  I thought it was outlawed in Beacontown!"

"Ask Jake."

She glanced at him, then stomped on Jake's foot with her combat boots.

"Tell your drunk brother to stop flirting with me.  It's annoying."

Jack shook his head.  "It's what you get for throwing a slimeball at my face."

"Jay!  We have a problem!"


Everyone did as they were told, and it became deathly silent, until a single noise could be heard.

It sounded like a creature speaking with its mouth closed.

Jack slowly opened his eyes, seeing a tall, slender black figure on the opposite side of the room.

Slowly, he pulled his sword out, walking silently towards the Enderman, stopping whenever it turned slightly.


He heard Tina's hiss, but ignored it, halfway to the creature.

He stopped, closing his eyes as the mob turned in his direction.

He felt it get closer, looking at him from all angles.  He could feel its breath on his face, and waited until it walked behind him before he turned around.

He lunged and drove his sword through the Enderman, hearing it shriek, before it poofed out of existence, and dropped five ender pearls.

He smiled, before picking his prize up and putting it in his inventory.

"Everyone okay?" he asked, looking around at the seven other people.

He watched their heads move up and down.

"Hey, where's Jake?"

Jay looked around and saw another door open.


Addie looked up from her book.

"Aren't we already in a hidden room?"

If looks could kill, Addie would be dead.

"I'll go get my brother," Jack said, but Jay pushed him into a wall.

"I'm getting him.  Stay.  Here."

Jack nodded in partial fear, partial respect.

Jack got a face full of hair as she turned and walked into the private room.

Dang, 871 words.

In only one chapter.

So, I haven't gotten all the OC's yet.

I'm expecting one from bootthesnoot, or inconsistency personified.

AKA, the author of Bloodlines.

In order to balance the group out, the last OC's need to be male.

That includes theirs.

Anyways, if you haven't checked out the newest part of The Legend of Herobrine, then you won't know that that story is abandoned and being revamped/replaced by this one.

Thanks guys, and I'll see ya in the next one!- Dreamer

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