I Miss You

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-Haechan's POV-

I entered the dorms and saw a little envelope. It had my name printed on by Mark hyung. I threw my bag onto my bed and grabbed the letter. I unfolded the paper inside and it read:

I'm having a small get together tonight
Come if you're interested!
You know the place
(p.s. please come)

I chuckled at the idiot. I pushed the note aside and opened my snapchat. I haven't been on here for awhile, and I have nothing else to do so, why not? I watched everyone's stories and mostly skipped the boring ones. I stopped when I saw Misun.

 I stopped when I saw Misun

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"I miss you too." I said out loud.

"You miss who?" Ten hyung asked from behind me.

I quickly turned my phone off and faced him. He stood there waiting for me to answer.

"Kidding. Ha, I already know it's Misun-ah. I miss her around here. She was better company than you. Now expose why you're so gloomy these days. It starting to stink up the room."

"That's you're dirty laundry."

"Is not."

"Is too!"

"Ugh, whatever. Now explain before I get bored." he plopped onto his bed. I took a seat at the edge of the bed and sighed.

"It's just..I just miss her. I told her I was through, but I'm dying inside. My head's a mess, I lied when I said I was leaving and not going back. I'm literally one number away from calling her. Like, we don't even have to talk—I just wanna hear her voice. Everything has become so boring and the day just seems to drag on forever. Should I just call her and try talking to her?" I asked.

"Mmmm... I don't know. If I were you, I'd go to that stupid party Mark invited you to. If you wanna talk to her then do it face to face. Don't be an asshole and do it over text, that's a bitch move. That's all I can tell you little bro. I'm leaving, good luck!" Ten hyung advised and then left.

I sighed and laid on the bed. If I called her, would she pick up? I grabbed my phone and opened snapchat again. A faint smile appeared as I looked at her story again. The small beating of my heart made me miss her dumb self.

I guess I haven't lost these feelings for her. I came realization that a month was long enough. It was time to stop avoiding them and go.

One number away.

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