If There Was A Way

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-Seulgi's POV-

The past month has been rough. The rumors I've started were still going around. It didn't seem to break her life, but my own.

I would hold myself back when people openly spoke about my best friend. Even though whatever happened between us, she was still my best friend at the end of the day. The memories we made were forever going to be missed.

"Hey babe, wake up. Class is over." my new boyfriend, Rocky aka Minhyuk, called.

I smiled at the boy and gathered my things. He intwined our hands and lead me out of class. It was a week after Mark and I broke up when I got with Minhyuk. I knew I was using him as a base, but it felt nice to have someone there for me.

School was over now. I departed from him and went my own way. I soon felt this guilt the longer I stayed with him. Soon I told him I was using him as a back up plan, but he told me he was using me also. I guess that helped me get over my guilty conscience inside.


I  stopped in my tracks and turned to see Mark running towards me. The close he got the more my heart raced. All the loneliness and sadness I held inside was being replaced with happiness and hope.

"Here's this. I'm having a small get together and hopefully you'll make it. I know we're not on good terms, but I still consider us as friends." his perfect voice filled my heart with warmth.

"I'll try to make it. Thanks." I sadly smiled. We stood there staring at each other. I missed him so much, but my hard head wasn't going to let me admit it.

"Anything else?" I finally asked.

"I miss you."

My heart stopped beating.

"See you there Seulgi." he whispered and ran off.

A tear rolled down my cheek. I guess I wasn't over him just yet. I looked down at the envelope and saw his handwriting. My name that he used to call with love and happiness.

I entered the house and locked myself in my room. "I miss you so much Mark. If there was a way—I would take you back without a doubt." I sighed.

My feel goods.

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